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required to stop an attack at any time. It was part of being a soldier.
 The guards who let the admiral in without patting him down have been disciplined.
Expect no mercy for them, it could ve been Vohne the admiral shot.
 Understood. Feel free to punish them how you like. I won t plead for leniency. The
soldiers had patted down the admiral s companions but had been nervous about searching a
man of his rank. Unfortunately, the admiral had counted on that.
 Good. I ve assigned them to clean all the toilets in the castle, and when they re done
with that, they can clean the ones in the local taverns. I would ve reduced their salaries, but
they both have families.
Nelrin stared at the king-mate for a long moment.  I thought you d have them whipped
or something.
Kres grinned evilly.  Trust me, they wish I d given them a simple whipping. They have
to clean all the taverns even the ones at the edges of town.
 I have to say, I admire your style. Nelrin bowed to the king-mate. Kres was right. The
soldiers would ve brushed off a whipping, but to be forced into unpleasant menial labour for
hours and possibly days would stick in their minds for a long time to come. It wouldn t save
Friln, but it was a minor justice. No good would come of imprisoning the soldiers.
Kres turned to the nurse.  Do anything you can to fix him.
Nelrin opened his mouth to thank Kres, but a loud beeping interrupted him. Friln s
wristband flashed a bright, bloody red and his body began to convulse. The nurse rushed to
the wall and slammed her hand on the emergency button. A siren screamed through the
hospital, alerting the medical staff to the patient s danger.
Kres pulled Nelrin out of the way as a dozen personnel swarmed into the room and
surrounded Friln.
 Let s stay over here so they can do their job.
Nelrin nodded his agreement even though he wished to shout at them to fix his mate.
He couldn t see what they were doing, but he heard the rapid beeps of Friln s bracelet and
the frantic movements of the medics told him it wasn t a light matter.
For a moment, Friln s beeping slowed. Nelrin sighed. Good, he d be fine.
A long single beep sounded.
Their bonding connection snapped.
 No, he whispered. He couldn t pull enough oxygen into his lungs to speak any
louder. His nightmare had come true. Pain ripped through Nelrin as if a sword had bisected
his chest. Screaming, he fell to the ground. His bond with Friln had been severed, completely
and finally.
He d heard of that happening before gossip didn t do the event justice. No wonder
most Thresls had to be put into cryo when they lost their mate. If someone had torn open
Nelrin s body with their bare hands, rearranged his organs and stuffed them back inside his
body, that might be half as painful as losing his connection with his mate.
No. Friln. Empty.
Adrift without his human anchor, Nelrin mind began to unravel. Thresls constantly
sought the feedback from their mate, which was why they needed a human counterpart.
Without Friln, Nelrin had no one.
With a loud roar, Nelrin shifted into his cat form. Life would be easier as a cat. After all,
it meant he had come full circle from a Thresl alone and without a family, to a happily mated
Thresl, then back to being alone fitting somehow.
Unable to handle the sight of his dead mate, Nelrin ran out the door. He needed to get
away from everything. His claws scrabbled across the marble floors as he tried to find
purchase on the smooth surface. Eventually, his scratching and sliding paid off, and Nelrin
raced through the castle and out the back.
He knew it was useless to run from the pain, but he couldn t prevent his instincts from
kicking in. Without Friln, he had nothing and no one important in his life. Running with the
soil beneath his paws had always helped him find his centre. He doubted it would happen
with Friln dead, but he needed the comfort of the wilds. He could almost hear Friln teasing
 Go and chase your tail for a bit, love, it s been a bitch of a day.
Chapter Four
Nelrin ran and ran until his paws ached from the tiny bits of wood and stone he ran
across. Blood oozed through the pads of his feet by the time he came to a screeching halt. He
hadn t been a cat in ten years. It felt good to stretch his legs, but it still hurt to breathe. The [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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