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Of course, it was false. The real story is that a mysterious Gyrocopter appeared over the
battlefield and shot out a mysterious ray that instantly junked all the German and Italian
Maybe a dozen Red Blooded American Men -- all unmarried orphans -- nobly
sacrificed themselves, and two dozen got neat little bullet holes in them for the pretty plump
nurses in their white nun-caps to coo over.
How gullible are people supposed to be?
She turned off the radio, then turned it on again and found some jazz. She wasn t that
fond of a syncopated beat, but maybe she could lose herself in trying to figure out how to
score those complex rhythms and allow improvisation and still end up with a melody.
Tommy, where are you?
Just after eight, Jack came in, dripping and steaming, with a huge grin that shut off like
a light bulb when he looked at her.  Did Tommy leave you here alone while he went out on
a date?
 He hasn t been back since ya ll left.
He closed his eyes, and for a moment, she could see what he would look like at sixty.
Then he pulled himself together and grinned at her.  Tilly took the afternoon off. What do
you want to bet they re together?
He better not have worried me to death only to come home wearing the marks of some
round-heeled floozy -- Tilly or anyone else! But he wasn t going to. If Jack thought he might,
that sick look would never have aged his face. Tommy would ve had a better chance of
coming back from North Africa.
While Jack showered, she fried some potatoes to eat with the sandwiches. Frying took
the last of the grease, but she couldn t serve a man boiled potatoes twice in one day and she
didn t have any milk to mash them with. They ate quietly. She mopped her plate with the
last crust of her bread and fed it to Jack.  You need to be in pairs to hunt, don t you?
 It helps. We brought trench knives, but hoped we wouldn t need them. If you think a
pair of brass knuckles gets you in dutch with the coppers, you should see their reaction to a
trench knife.
 I don t want you pairing up with that Danny O Brien. That man is crazy.
Jack looked old again.  That will not happen. He s home by now. Maybe his family has
what it takes to save him.
Lights Out! 103
 What would it take? Do you trust me enough to tell me, Jack French?
He grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled, as if the pain helped him think.  I don t
know. I sent him home because he was ... 
Was what, Jack? Still human?
 He wasn t so crazy I felt like giving up on him.
She took the plates to the lavatory and cleaned them. When she came back, she stacked
them neatly on the lowboy.  I need to learn how to use a trench knife, if that s what you
He grunted.  That s what I use. A trench knife requires brute force. A woman s knife
needs to be sharper, able to slide in without much force. I ll have to work both shifts
tomorrow. Instead of coming here at lunch, I ll pack a lunch pail and spend the rest of the
time between shifts looking for a good dagger.
She blinked. He hadn t at all objected to a woman getting in close to a fight. But then,
unless the monsters had forgot her, she d be safer with him in the street than here alone.
If a woman can weld, she can shoot. And cut. Isn t the French Resistance supposed to
be half women? Well, this is a French offensive, and it can be half woman too.
We re both talking as if Tommy is gone for good, aren t we? She swallowed.  If I m not
working tomorrow, why don t I spend time looking for a good dagger?
 Shy-my-girl, have you any idea what to look for?
Her face heated.  I m no city girl. I know a solid tool from a shiny play-pretty. I
wouldn t waste your money.
What? He threw something shiny at her. At her face! She ducked, knocking it aside
with the heel of her hand. A spoon bounced across the bed.
 What kind of fool trick was that, Jack French?
 Not a trick -- a test. You passed with flying colors. Nobody with any sense tries to grab
a sharp blade out of the air unless they ve had tons of practice. Now pick it up and see how
close you can get to planting it between my ribs.
 What if I succeed?
 Try it, Shy. Try real hard. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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