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anything. I don t care what time it is, day or night, my door is always
open for you. If you need me, if you need to talk, or you get scared,
anything, I m right next door.
Matty watched until Quaid walked into his room then blew out a
deep breath. His head was still reeling when he walked into the guest
room to find his brother sitting on the end of the bed untying his
shoes. Ruben looked up when Matty shut the door behind him.
 What took you so long? Ruben asked.  I thought I was going to
have to hunt you down.
Matty rubbed his fingers over his lips and walked across the room
to sit on the opposite side of the bed. He couldn t stop thinking about
 Are you okay?
 I m not sure. Matty chuckled. He felt slightly disconnected from
reality. He looked down at Ruben when he knelt on the floor in front
of him. Ruben looked concerned, his forehead wrinkled in a frown.
 What happened? Ruben asked.  Do we need to leave?
 Then what?
 Quaid Blaecleah just kissed me. Matty wasn t about to share
what else Quaid had done, or rather said. He had some serious
thinking to do first.
* * * *
46 Stormy Glenn
Matty stared at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. He
couldn t sleep. No matter what he did, he couldn t stop thinking about
Quaid s proposal. The man seemed so sincere, but was he? Matty
didn t actually know Quaid Blaecleah beyond the fact that he was the
sexiest damn rancher he had ever met.
That didn t mean Quaid was telling the truth. Maybe Quaid was
just trying to get laid and thought a proposal would get him what he
wanted. Crazier things had happened. Matty once had a man pretend
to be in love with him until he got what he wanted, and then he was
Matty didn t know if he could trust the promise in Quaid s eyes.
As intrigued as he was by the prospect of belonging to Quaid, he
would be devastated if he was played for a fool again. The first time
had been hard enough.
Matty tossed the covers back and carefully climbed from the bed
as to not wake up his brother. He needed to know if Quaid was
speaking the truth or not. He needed answers, and only one person
had them. He was in the room next door.
Matty tiptoed to the door and opened it just enough that he could
slip through. He winced as the door made a loud click when he closed
it behind him. It wasn t that he was sneaking out and had to worry
about Ruben, just that he needed to figure this out without his
brother s interference.
He turned around and suddenly, Quaid s door loomed in front of
him. Matty took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock, but the
door swung open before he could. Matty almost bolted until he saw
Quaid standing there, a welcoming smile on his face. Besides his
pajama bottoms, the smile was all he wore.
 Hello, angel, I heard your door open.
Matty swallowed hard. He clenched his hands into fists and tried
to remind himself that he wasn t here to lick Quaid s massive
muscular chest from collarbone to belly button. He was here to talk
Cowboy Way 47
 I know it s kind of late, but can I talk with you?
 Of course. Quaid stepped back, opening the door to allow Matty
inside.  I told you my door is always open to you.
Matty twirled around to stare at Quaid.  Why is that? You don t
know me.
 You ve said that before, angel, Quaid said as he shut the door.
 My answer is still the same. I want to get to know you.
 I could be some horrible person, an axe murderer.
 Are you?
 Am I no! Matty s eyebrows drew together in a frown.  Of
course not but 
He suddenly felt flustered when Quaid stepped closer. His heart
began to beat faster when their chests brushed together. Quaid s hand
cupped the side of Matty s face, and he couldn t keep himself from
leaning into the soft touch.
 Why are you fighting this so hard, angel? Quaid asked.  You
feel the same connection that I do. I know you do. Why don t you just
give in?
 Because this is crazy.
 Is it? Quaid began planting small featherlike kisses along
Matty s jaw.  Arranged marriages have been happening for centuries,
Matthew. And people have certainly gotten married for less.
Matty felt overwhelmed. He wanted to give in to what Quaid was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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