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a touch - brush, caress, contact, dab, hit, pat, pinch, rub, scratch, squeeze, sting, strike,
stroke, tag, tap, tickle
a feeling (as a result of being touched or affected by something) - blush, chill, coldness,
feeling, flush, itch,
shiver, shudder,
tingle, warmth
warm or hot feeling - blushing, feverish, flushed, hot, humid, lukewarm, sweaty, warm
cool or cold feeling - chilly, cold, cool, crisp, shivering shuddering
dry feeling - dry, dusty, hot, powdery
wet feeling - damp, humid juicy, moist, squashy
sticky feeling - gooey, gummy, sticky, sweaty
oily feeling - greasy, oily, sharp, silky, slick, slippery, smooth, velvety
smooth feeling - flat, greasy, oily, sharp, silky, slick, slippery, smooth, velvety
rough feeling - bristly, coarse, dull, grainy, gritty, hairy, lumpy, rough, sandy, scratchy,
soft feeling - downy, feathery, flabby, fluffy furry, fuzzy, limp, powdery, silky, soft,
spongy, squashy, velvety, woolly
hard feeling - crispy, firm, hard, solid, stuff, tough
springy feeling - alive, flabby, jumpy, shuddering, spongy, springy, squashy, stretchy,
solid feeling - firm, hard, solid, tough
light feeling - downy, feathery, fluffy, light, powdery
heavy feeling - heavy, solid
feeling full of movement - alive, jumpy, shivering, shuddering, vibrating
feeling without movement - chilly, cold, dead, lifeless
unclean feeling - greasy, gritty, gummy, slimy, sticky, sweaty
uneasy or uncomfortable feeling - chilly, cold, crawly, creepy, feverish, flushed, jumpy,
shivery, shuddery
unable to feel - cold, deadened, numb, toughened
responsive to touch - jumpy, ticklish
The Sense of Taste
acid high-seasoned salty tart
appetizing honeyed savor taste
hot season tasteless
biting seasoned tasty
bitter insipid seasoning
bland sharp unappetizing
luscious sip unflavored
curdled sour unpalatable
mellow spice unripe
delicious spiced unseasoned
distasteful nauseating spicy untainted
flavor palatable stale vinegary
flavored peppery sugary
flavorless sweet yummy
flavorsome ripe
rotten tainted
gingery tangy
The Sense of Taste -- Some Useful Classifications
to taste something - savor, sip, taste
to give taste to something - flavor, season, spice
a taste - flavor, savor, taste
an agent to alter taste - flavor, seasoning, spice
sweet tasting - acid, curdled
sharp tasting - bitter, salty, sharp, tangy, tart, vinegary
hot or spicy tasting - biting, gingery, hot, peppery, spiced, spicy
bland tasting or tasteless - bland, flavorless, insipid, tasteless, unflavored, unpalatable,
ripe tasting - mellow, ripe
unripe tasting - green, unripe
spoiled tasting - curdled, rotten, spoiled, tainted
good tasting - appetizing, delicious, flavorsome, luscious, tasty, yummy
bad tasting - biting, bitter, distasteful, nauseating, rotten, sour, spoiled, stale, tainted,
tasteless, unappetizing, unpalatable, unripe, unseasoned, vinegary
having a taste - flavored, high-seasoned, seasoned, spiced
The Sense of Smell
aroma rancid
aromatic rank
deodorant scented
deodorize smell
deodorized smelly
deodorizer sniff
fragrance spice
fragrant spicy
fumes stench
incense stinky
moldy strong-smelling
musty sweet-scented
odorless whiff
The Sense of Smell -- Some Useful Classifications
to smell something - scent, smell, sniff, snuff, whiff
to give out a smell - perfume, reek, smell, stink
to add to or disguise a smell - to deodorize, perfume, scent, spice
a smell - aroma, bouquet, fragrance, fumes, odor, perfume, scent, smell, stench, stink,
an agent to add to or disguise a smell - deodorant, deodorizer, incense, perfume, scent
sharp or spicy smelling - moldy, musty, putrid, rancid
bad smelling - rank, smelly, stinky, strong-scented, strong-smelling
lacking in smell - deodorized, odorless [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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