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troublesome entity, not even the simple mischievous types, operating out in the open in
full sunlight. While it is possible to come across some things inside a building, the
chances of meeting something scary are extremely remote if, after the exit, the projector
immediately heads outside into the open and into the full sunlight. The action of doing
this quickly, immediately after the exit, may also throw a projector straight into the astral
planes, again greatly reducing the likelihood of meeting anything scary.
Religion Instilled Worry/Fear:
Many people worry they are breaking God's laws, or infringing upon something in
the Bible, by having OBE's. There are NO direct Biblical references which directly state
projection is wrong, evil or even advising against it. In fact, there are many references
within the bible that mention OBE, i.e., if memory serves me, St Paul speaks on this,
when telling of one man's mystical experience: "whether in or out of his body I cannot
"If it's not written in the Holy Bible then it 'must' be evil" is another common
flame against OBE. However, the majority of the technological accomplishments of the
modern world are also 'not' in the Bible. This does not make them evil in any way.
"OBE is witchcraft, as witches are known to have OBE's, and they therefore must
be evil" is another popular flame against OBE. Well, this is like saying that air travel is
evil, simply because Hitler was known to fly in aircraft, or that the night is evil, simply
because witches are generally more active at night, or that explosives are evil, simply
because some people make bombs out of them to hurt people with.
My way of seeing this is: God created the heavens and the universe and
everything within them. His creation is perfect and nothing has been overlooked, down
to the smallest atom. God also created the integrated physical and energetic subtle bodies
within man, and unseen inside His design lays the potential for the natural multi-
dimensional mind split effect, which occurs to 'everyone' whenever they sleep. The
ability to have conscious out of body experiences is a 'natural' ability and, even though
many people find it difficult to accomplish, everyone has the potential for this ability. I
think, if God did not want people to have OOBE's, He would have designed us a little
differently, and made projection impossible? To think otherwise is to claim that God
made a mistake, which is to say God, is fallible, which is definitely irreligious and
probably goes against all known religious and Biblical laws. My life experience leads me
to sincerely believe that God is wise and that HE never ever makes mistakes.
Calling For Help:
It is possible to call for help from another projector when attempting to project, or to
call someone to meet you when you get out of body. Once you hit the trance state, or feel
heavy and are close to falling asleep, mentally call out the person's name several times, as
loudly (mentally) as you can. If they are out of body they will definitely hear you, no
matter where they are or how far away them might be, and will be drawn to come visit
you. If this person is experienced, they may be able to help you out of your body.
Another projector, although they may be able to help in other ways, will not,
however, be able to actually 'pull' another projector out of their body. Any attempt to do
so will be perceived by the projector as a psychic/energy body attack (very unpleasant
cold shivers, etc) which will tend to break their delicately balanced 'projectable' state. A
projector can best help another projector by waiting for the natural projection (sleep
projection) to take place and then making them aware they are projecting, helping them
to remember it. Good advice at this time would be for them to dive back into their
physical body shouting, "I did it!" to help them cement their oobe memories.
Often, when a natural projection occurs, the real time body will drift slowly out of
it's physical body and hover just above it, mimicking it's sleeping position. The real time
projector in this state is asleep, just as it's physical body and mind are. A helpful
projector can best help them attain an OOBE by gently waking the sleeping projector's
real time body and urging them to reenter their physical body before it falls too deeply
asleep. If this has already happened, a joint projection can then proceed. In this case, I
suggest the novice projector periodically returns to their physical body and keeps a close
eye on the time. They can then make sure they are hovering nearby and ready to dive
back into their physical body shouting "I did it!" the moment the alarm clock starts to go
off, when they feel the first tugs from the physical body as it begins reeling them in for
Personally, I do not advise projectors call out to 'unknown' spirits or 'unknown'
guides to help them project, unless they know 'exactly' who or what they are calling, and
can verify their credentials as to exactly who and what they are. Calling blindly for any
help from anywhere carries a high risk of attracting the unwanted attention of undesirable
astral wildlife and mischievous spirit entities. Most types of intelligent astral wildlife and
spirit entities appear to require some kind of 'permission' before they can interfere with a
living person's life. Calling blindly for help can provide an entity with all the 'permission'
it needs, albeit obtusely. And, once permission is given in cases like this, it cannot so
simply or easily be revoked. It is, I believe, a very unsafe practice indeed, to deliberately
solicit the help of unknown spirit entities, as any type of open invite or request for help
may invite a negative entity to trouble you instead. Calling upon Angels, however, does
not carry the same cautions as does blindly calling upon unknown spirits.
Prayers to God (in whatever form or name you believe in) asking for His
protection and help, however, are 'highly' recommended and do not carry this same risk.
I thoroughly recommend a prayer for protection be 'sincerely' said before any projection,
even just a few words, regardless of belief or religion - or even the lack of it. Prayers are
most effective when said from a deeply relaxed 'quiet' mental state; ie, from in the trance
If a spirit of some kind does manifest during an OBE, and the projector is not sure
if they are genuine or not, a simple test is to ask it to go away and leave you alone, and to
return at another time, when called upon. Any good spirit will obey this request, and will
return another time when called upon. If a spirit does not leave, or argues against this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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