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 I ll tame the wildness out of you before this night is through. Then you will know who is
Screaming she balled her fist. She swung it at him and hit him full on in the jaw. He
reached for her and half-heartedly ripped her shirt that was beneath her greatcoat. While he was
I LL BE YOURS Marly Mathews 41
distracted she reached and pulled out the dagger that he was fastened to his waist. She plunged it
into his shoulder blade and cringed when blood began to seep out across his black shirt. She
darted away from him and made her way to the door before he pounced on her again. In her
moment of confusion the dagger went arcing out of her hand and clattered onto the floor. She
fought against him and managed to open the door. She gasped as the cool night air hit her in the
face. She couldn t see much and half ran half staggered up the stairs to the deck above. Crewmen
stared at her in shock and then began bearing toward her when they heard their Captain s bellow.
She made a beeline for the rail. Chancing a glance over her shoulder she saw the grim silhouette
of Captain Blood.
 Catch her my lads and you ll all have a bit of fun with her this night. His cruel
insinuation made her heart stop beating altogether. For one brief second she stared down into the
nearly black rocking ocean. Mustering all of the courage that she could manage she swung
herself over the rail and jumped blindly into the cold rushing water. Her body crashed against the
waves and she could hear catcalls and jeers in the distance. She shut her eyes against the agony
of it all as her body began to take over where her mind had left off. She began treading the water
and then she started to swim away from The Destroyer. But not before she heard Captain
Blood s malicious farewell.
 Ah lads. There goes our piece of flesh though I d warrant the sharks will enjoy her
almost as much as we would have.
She shuddered again and in her distraction she was sucked beneath the sea. She fought to
recover her senses and emerged spitting out salty water all the while. She was doomed. No one
would be coming for her and by this time tomorrow or before she would be most undoubtedly
* * * *
Mallory stalked the length of the ship. His crewmen had managed to resume their duties
even though they looked battered and nearly broken. He clasped his hands firmly behind his back
and breathed in deeply as the salty air rustled his wayward hair. He was worried sick and hadn t
felt so helpless in all of his life. Sordid images kept flooding his mind and he wanted to kill
Antonio with his bare hands. In fact the next time they met he would kill him and enjoy it
He started at the sound of Ethan s voice.  Rafe I do not think we will catch up to them.
For some reason we have lost their scent.
Mallory s heart fell and then tightened. His plan for Elizabeth was in shambles and now
the love of his life was facing a fate more horrible than death. He should have told her who he
was and now because of his deception he would live with paralyzing guilt for the rest of his life.
Resting his elbows on the rail he bit his lip as the moist mist from the sea spattered up
onto him. He had lost Elizabeth and only a miracle would bring her back to him.
* * * *
Elizabeth nearly choked on the mouthful of water she had almost swallowed when she
had finally been sucked beneath the rough waves. She had been treading water for hours and she
couldn t keep it up for much longer. There was no land in sight and she didn t know what to do.
She turned at the distant sound of a baby s cry. Shaking her head she finally decided that she d
gone straight to Bedlam. It wasn t unexpected. After all she had been through the worst misery
that she had ever suffered. She stared at the water around her and licked her salty lips only
making her thirst even worse. She was constantly searching the sea for sights of a shark or
maybe more. Suddenly the flicker of what looked to be a dolphin filled her vision. She began
I LL BE YOURS Marly Mathews 42
breathing quicker as the bow of a ship came into sight. Straining her vision she caught sight of
the flag and sighed with relief. Every muscle in her body ached and she coughed as a spasm
wracked through her body.
She felt her lethargy overwhelm her and her eyelids drooped shut just as she heard
someone call out  Miss! followed by a large splash. She had just slipped under and began
thinking of an underwater faerie and mermaid world as she sank into the welcoming darkness.
She was on a bed of the softest downiest feathers. Her eyelids felt as if they were glued
shut and she was tempted to drift back into the dreamland that seemed to beckon to her. She
rolled over onto her back and then onto her right side. The sensation of being watched overcame
her and she opened her eyes to stare into the sparkling eyes of an angelic looking woman leaning
toward her with a cool cloth to press to her forehead. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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