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along his great length, not one bit of me abandoned. He pulled the covers snugly
over us and held me to him. I shivered and shook for a long time, whether from
nerves or the cold, I could not tell. But he was there.
I was content.
There was no memory of even sliding into sleep.
Gaven 2: The Bonding 61
Chapter Five
I was completely disoriented upon wakening. I could not imagine where I was,
for I was warm and safe, enfolded in softness and draped over something warm and
hard, something that&
My eyes widened, and I froze in disbelief before slowly, ever so slowly, turning
my head to the right.
Amused green eyes met mine, and I could feel my cheeks heat. Things that
seemed so very right in the embrace of nighttime, seemed very different in the
daylight. The transition from one to the other was often fraught with self-
castigation and soul-searching as to cause and effect. This morning was no
exception& but this time, Vlar was actually here, and I had no idea what to do with
Vlar, however, did not seem to have the same problem. Before I could roll away
and rise from the bed, escape the uncomfortable feelings that always arose around
him, my eramon captured my face between his large palms and leaned forward to
lay a gentle kiss on my lips.
It was a far different kiss than he had ever given me before, and I had to blink
dazedly when at last I was released. It had been& caring& in some form. Maybe? Or
was I just imagining this too?
Vlar actually smiled& Not the manic grin he was famous for, or the smirk that
drove me mad with the desire to strangle him. No, this was softer somehow, filled
with something I could not put a name to.
62 J. C. Owens
He stroked one hand down my shoulder, his fingers capturing my wrist and
slowly drawing my hand to his mouth, where he kissed the palm in a quixotic
gesture, his beautiful eyes never leaving mine.
I stared into that green and was completely lost. I did not seem to have the
strength of will to pull away, and I let him do as he wished. The strange gentleness
unnerved me, made me jittery and uncertain, and he seemed to realize that, for he
sighed a little and released my hand.
 I was not too hard on you last night?
My mouth opened soundlessly; then I tentatively leaned forward to lay one
hand on Vlar s forehead, fully expecting it to be irritably slapped away. Did
Finnarians get ill? I had never heard of such from anyone, and certainly in the time
I had been with him, Vlar had always been the very picture of health, but&
Vlar did not strike me away, but his brows rose, and he watched my confusion
with a wry twist of his lips, eyes faintly amused.
 Answer me, Gaven. The tone was more himself, with more command in it. It
soothed me, enabled me to find my place again.
I flushed a little, slid my eyes from his, my voice a slightly hoarse.  I am fine.
One large hand came beneath my chin and made me look back up at him.
 Would you tell me the truth, little one, even if I had?
The heat in my cheeks deepened, and I cursed its presence, wishing I could be
cool and calm for once.  Yes. I would. I wisely said nothing about his  little one
comment. That was the least of my worries at this time.
He watched me for a long, unnerving moment, then nodded.
 There is something happening here, between us, that I do not understand. I
need more information, so I have contacted my father. He will be coming within the
I leaned back on the bed, stunned.
Gaven 2: The Bonding 63
 Your father? I asked weakly, trying to get my thoughts to stop scattering
enough to make a sensible response.
He nodded, his expression turning into a faint frown at something he was
thinking.  He might know what this is.
 This? I was proud that my voice did not crack or waver.
 There is something& different& about what is between us, Gaven. This is not
anything I have encountered before, and it seems to perhaps relate to a Finnarian
issue, so I thought my father would be the best one to help us understand.
 Oh, I murmured intelligently.  When will he arrive again?
 Within the week&  Vlar murmured patiently; then he bent over me, his eyes
beginning to redden.
I swallowed hard but willingly turned my head, presenting my neck for his
His hunger was apparent, but I did not mind, for my own rose to meet it, and
it was long before I had the strength to even think of Vlar s father again or what his
arrival might mean.
The sensory perceptions I had encountered before were even stronger this time
around in our lovemaking and his feeding. I could no longer doubt them, despite the
fact that the other eramai had claimed to never have experienced them.
Vlar was right. Something was definitely off here.
* * *
When I informed the Eight of the probability of Vlar s father s arrival, it was
like throwing a large log on a fire. There were sparks flying everywhere.
There was a shocked silence for long moments, then excited talk. Worry and
Fish slipped out of the room as if on a mission to spread the word.
I was bombarded with question after question, and I had to hold up a hand to
stop the barrage.
 That is all he told me. His father is coming sometime this week.
64 J. C. Owens
Weasel plopped down next to me, his face shining with excitement as it often
did if he was in the forefront of gossip.
I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Teaser, who could only shake his head at
his lover s peculiarities.
 Wow, I can hardly believe it. To see another Finnarian in my lifetime, and for
it to be Sadan& 
I shot a disbelieving glance at him. Weasel knew about Finnarians? All this
time I d been chasing my tail and a source of information had been right next to me?
I sighed.
Of course.
 What do you know of his father, Weasel? I questioned with a tinge of
 Only one of the best fighters ever created exceptionally tall and powerful
and the only Finnarian to ever have caught the affections of a Draconian. Weasel s
eyes were dreamy, and I heard Teaser snort.
 A Draconian? I echoed, confused.  What in the heavens is a Draconian?
 They used to be part of our army, through a gift from their king to ours, but
over time, they were all killed, except for Graitaan. Then Sadan came on the scene
and swept the lonely warrior off his feet&  Weasel spoke like it was a grand
Teaser snorted louder this time, catching my eye.  More like Sadan was the
only one strong enough to prevent the Draconian from killing him. I heard it was
entertainment for years, and many were the bets placed on who would be the victor.
Neither of them was a gentle being. Apparently Sadan prevailed though.
Finnarians are amazingly persistent once they want something. His eyes slanted to
me, a twinkle in their depths.
I frowned quellingly at him.
Gaven 2: The Bonding 65
Weasel was still at it, nattering away, and I had to scramble mentally to catch
up to his conversation.
 Draconians were said to be the fiercest of warriors and to never bond outside
their own kind. It was a great scandal among the Finnarians, apparently, that
Sadan insisted that his bondmate would be a Draconian.
I stared at him a moment, my eyes widening in wonder.  Finnarians actually
take bondmates? That was the most important part of the nattering as far as I was
Weasel frowned impatiently at my interruption to his story or nattering,
however you chose to name it.
 Of course, Gaven. Do you know nothing of Finnarians?
My mouth opened and closed speechlessly; then I sagged against the wall
behind me, shaking my head.
 No, I could only answer meekly.
He patted my head consolingly.  You need to get out more, Gaven. You are too
insulated from the rest of the army. You just ask me. I can tell you all the things
you need to know as Vlar s eramai.
I viewed him with a jaundiced expression, I m sure.
 How could I not have known who to speak to? I sighed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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