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Hopefully, between the three sets of flashing lights, they d be easy for the helicopter to spot.
Leo jumped out of the rescue vehicle and ran towards the gathered crowd, stopping to help
He heard the chopper coming and pointed upward.  Leave the gurney. They ll want to
use their own.
Leo jumped the ditch and pushed his way through the cowboys. Neil s body was lying
at an odd angle.  No one moved him, right?
 Right, Jax answered, pushing the cowboys away from Neil s unconscious body.
Leo turned to yell over his shoulder as soon as he realised the helicopter was setting
down in the field.  Sammy, grab the bolt cutters and get a section of that fence down so they
can get the stretcher through.
Leo watched as Jakob efficiently cut the sleeve of Neil s western-style shirt and started
an IV. Within seconds of touch down, the Sheridan paramedics came running with a
Because he wasn t properly trained, Leo stepped back and gave the team of
professionals room to work. He found Sammy in the crowd and pulled him to the side.  I m
going to the SUV to make a few phone calls, see if I can find Neil s guardian.
Sammy nodded and gave Leo s hand a supportive squeeze.
Leo returned to his vehicle and pulled out a sheet of paper and pen before calling
information. When the automated operator came on, he tried to speak as clearly as his nerves
would allow.  Rapid City, South Dakota.
He was then switched to a live operator. I need the phone number for Ben Waters.
 I have a Benjamin Waters, the operator said.
 Yes. I ll try that.
 Please hold.
He was once again switched to an automated voice that gave him the phone number. It
was another fifty cents on his bill to have them dial it for him, but the way he felt, he d screw
it up anyway.
Leo held his breath as the phone began to ring.
 Hello? A deep voice answered, obviously startled to be roused from sleep at three in
the morning.
 Ben Waters? Leo asked.
Leo licked his lips as he stepped out of the SUV.  Do you know a Neil Peters?
There was a momentary hesitation on the other end of the call.  Yes. Has something
happened to him?
 Yes, sir. This is Leo Burkowski, Assistant Fire Chief of the Cattle Valley, Wyoming Fire
Department. I m afraid there s been an accident, Mr. Waters. Neil hit his head on a stone
fence post. We re getting ready to airlift him to Sheridan Memorial Hospital.
 Airlift? Is he& 
Leo could hear the fear in Ben s voice.  He s alive, but I think it s bad.
 I ll be there as soon as I can.
The line went dead, and Leo could imagine the man jumping out of bed and frantically
getting dressed, just as Leo had done only less than thirty minutes earlier. He sent up a silent
prayer that he d done the right thing by calling. If his suspicions were right, Ben Waters
cared a hell of a lot more for Neil than his young friend thought.
* * * *
Sammy handed Leo a cup of coffee before sitting beside him.  Anything?
 Nothing new, Leo mumbled.
Sammy rested his cheek against Leo s shoulder. They d both spent too damn much time
in this hospital in the last month. Although as bad as Zac s injuries were, at least they knew
once they got him to the hospital he d live. The doctors still couldn t assure them Neil would
regain consciousness.
The elevator doors opened and a harried-looking older man rushed into the waiting
room. Sammy noticed the man s swollen dark grey eyes and knew he must be the man Leo
had been expecting.
Leo immediately stood.  Ben?
The man stopped and nodded.  Are you the one who called me?
 Yes, I m Leo. Leo held out his hand.  I m a good friend of Neil s.
 How is he? Ben asked.
Leo gestured towards a chair.  Have a seat.
 I d rather see Neil if you don t mind.
 I don t mind at all, but they won t let you in for another, Leo glanced at his watch,
 ten minutes or so.
Sammy tried to give Ben a reassuring smile.  He hasn t regained consciousness. Dr.
Flatts, Neil s surgeon, performed a decompressive craniectomy. They re hoping that
removing a small section of the skull will alleviate some of the pressure on the brain caused
by swelling.
Ben braced his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his hands.  Did they give you
a prognosis? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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