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 Hey! Ethan yelled at Jay.
Jay waited for the taxi to drive away and embraced his friend.  How was your trip?
 Okay. Of course the cab from the airport nearly broke the bank, but it was worth it.
RECIPE FOR LOVE Carol Lynne 29
Jay released his friend and picked up one of the smaller bags and followed Ethan
inside. He walked up the steps leading from the bakery and waited for Ethan to unlock the
Once inside, Ethan quickly crossed the small living room and turned up the heat.  I
didn t miss the snow that s for damn sure.
 Virginia gets snow, Jay reminded Ethan.
 Yeah, but nothing like this.
Jay shrugged.  It wasn t so bad. I m actually enjoying the break from work.
Ethan gave Jay a sideways stare.  Something interesting happen while I was gone?
Fuck!  No. Why would you think that? Look around, the town is practically empty.
Ethan stared at him for several more seconds before looking away.  What time do we
need to be at the lodge?
 Chad is picking us up at six. He even reserved a room for us, so take an overnight
bag. That was the most exciting part of the evening for Jay. He d never stayed in a motel
you paid more than hourly for.
 After that eighty dollar cab ride from the airport, I m busted, Ethan complained.
Jay shook his head.  No. It s completely free. It s part of our payment for working the
kids party tonight.
 Oh. Well in that case, cool, Ethan said around a yawn.
 I ll get out of your hair and let you take a nap. You ll need all your energy for later.
 I ll take you up on that offer. Ethan stretched and yawned again.  Meet me back here
before six?
 Sure. Jay waved as he walked out the door.
Once he was on the sidewalk, he glanced up at Ethan s window to make sure his friend
wasn t looking and jogged down the sidewalk towards The Canoe. He didn t know if Erico
would have time to see him, but figured it was worth a shot.
* * * *
RECIPE FOR LOVE Carol Lynne 30
Erico was putting the last prime rib into the oven when he heard someone rustling
around in the dining room. He glanced at the clock and frowned. His staff wasn t supposed
to arrive for another hour.
He shut the oven door and untied his apron, tossing it onto the prep table.  Hello? he
called as he exited the kitchen.
 It s me, Jay answered, entering the dining room from the bar area.
Erico smiled and opened his arms. He d hated Jay leaving the previous night, but had
held his tongue.
Jay walked straight into Erico s arms and kissed him.
The slide of Jay s tongue against Erico s wasn t meant to be loving, it was meant to
entice. No problem there. Erico s cock went rock hard within seconds. He ground his erection
against Jay as the kiss grew into an all-out mouth fuck.
Breaking for air, Erico stared into those dark brown eyes he d dreamt about all night.
 Nice. What brings you by?
 I was already out. Ethan just got home. Thought I d stop by and give you your New
Year s kiss while I had the chance.
 Mmm, Erico moaned, rubbing his cock against Jay s.  Happy New Year.
Jay s long, elegant fingers threaded their way through Erico s hair as he glanced around
the dining room.  Are you expecting a big crowd tonight?
 No. We re only serving from seven to nine. So far I ve only had around fifty
reservations. He leant in for another kiss.  Of course that means I ll be finished early. Do
you want to come by?
 Can t. Remember, I m working the children s party. Chad gave me and Ethan a room
for the night.
 Well then I ll come up and join you, Erico said, kissing Jay s long, slender neck.
Jay stiffened.  You can t. I ll be sharing a room with Ethan.
Erico felt like he d been slapped. He wrapped Jay even tighter in his arms and gazed
into his eyes.  Sharing as in sharing?
Jay grinned and shook his head.  Sharing as in we re sleeping in the same room but
separate beds. Jay nipped Erico s lower lip.  If I was fucking around with Ethan, I wouldn t
be here right now.
RECIPE FOR LOVE Carol Lynne 31
Erico felt better about Jay staying at the hotel, but he hated the thought of being alone
on New Year s Eve.  Are you sure you won t be able to sneak away, even for a few minutes?
I could head to the Grizzly Bar after I close the restaurant.
Jay nuzzled his face against Erico s neck.  I doubt it. You re not open tomorrow, are
 No. I thought I d head home and do some laundry. Erico couldn t keep the
disappointment out of his voice. He couldn t help but wonder whether Jay really couldn t get
away or if he was just afraid of being seen with Erico.
 Can I come by? Jay asked.
 Sure. I can pick you up if you want? Erico offered.
 That s okay. It s not far. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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