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hands and felt the water move as he shifted across the tub.
He sat down beside me and whispered,  I know this is all new to you and I ll try to be as
well behaved as I can.
I turned to him and saw the desire in his eyes. I suddenly reached up and kissed him on
the lips. He kissed me back and heat exploded between us. He wound his hand through my thick
hair and gripped the back of my neck pulling me against him. I wrapped my arms around his
shoulders and ran my hand through his hair. His hair was as thick as mine. Our kiss grew until he
pulled back to gasp for air. I smiled at him and ran my hand across his sculpted chest. He flexed
his chest, but it didn t appear to be on purpose, simply a reaction to my touch. I leaned forward
and kissed his lips again and he stayed perfectly still. He slowly released his grip on my hair and
slid his hand away from my neck to rest beside him in the water. I could see the need in his face
and could tell just how much he was holding back by the stiff posture and the white of his
knuckles as he made a fist. I hadn t ever been with a boy or man before and didn t know what to
do or not do. I kissed his cheek then his lips and climbed off of him to sit beside him. He exhaled
and I realized that he had been holding his breath. I stared at the water and wondered what he
thought of me and my moments of hormonal insanity.
He stayed very still for a few minutes then turned to me. His eyes blazed with power and
he asked deadpan,  Why did you stop?
I smiled at him.  You were holding your breath and I didn t want you to die.
He smiled.  With you touching me I would fight death to the end.
I frowned at him.  You can t die.
His smile faded and he wrapped his arms around me holding me against him.  I won t die
as long as I have you.
I sniffed and realized I was crying.  You re all I have.
Someone cleared their throat and Ares and I turned around slowly, with Ares keeping his
arm around my shoulder the entire turn. I wiped my face with the back of my hand, but that only
spread the water from my hand on to my face. Koda and Matt stood in the doorway smiling.
Koda spoke with a soft voice that had an Irish lilt to it.  You have more than Ares. You have us
too. We re pack now and if Ares leaves or dies we will still be with you.
I stared at him in shock, realizing that he was opening himself up to me. I waved at him
to come closer and Matt and Koda jumped into the tub still wearing their jeans and t-shirts.
Water splashed over the sides of the tub and on to the floor. I moved forward and hugged them
both at the same time. They inhaled and I did too, taking time to memorize the smell of my pack.
They both smelled like the forest and underneath lingered a scent of crisp clean grass. Koda and
Matt hugged me for a while then let go and pushed me back towards Ares. Ares put his arm
around my waist and squeezed me against him.  See Artemis, you aren t alone anymore and you
won t ever be again.
I started to cry again and they all held me in the center of them in a group hug. My wolf
swirled inside me and reached out with some invisible force to touch each of their wolves. I
could see all of their wolves staring at me and I wasn t afraid. These wolves won t hurt me.
These wolves are my pack and they will do everything to protect me and keep me happy. I
realized it was my wolf s thinking and frowned at her, but she was too happy to pay attention to
my feelings. We sat in our huddle for a few minutes longer as my tears faded and then everyone
got out. I dried off then sighed at my now wet bag on the floor. I started to pull everything out
when something cold fell into my hand then began burning. It felt like acid burning my skin, but
it was solid, not liquid. I dropped to my knees and screamed in pain trying to pull my hand out.
Ares, Koda and Matt surrounded me and started growling. Ares reached towards the bag,
but jerked his hand back at the last second.  Victor! Ares yelled.
Victor appeared over me and hissed, flashing his fangs. The others moved back a ways to
give him room. Victor reached down and pulled the bag off exposing my hand and what was
attached to it. I stared at the silver photo frame with a picture of a tall slender woman with purple
eyes and wondered how it had gotten into my bag. Victor started to pull the frame from my hand,
but it was burned into the skin and hurt like hell. Ares growled and Victor frowned. He spoke in
soothing tones to the wolves surrounding me,  I have to get it out of her hand before this enters
her blood and kills her.
Ares nodded his head, but was still snarling at Victor. Koda had dropped down and was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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  • Szablon by Sliffka (© W niebie musi być chyba lepiej niż w obozie, bo nikt jeszcze stamtąd nie uciekł)