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spanking publication, and Alex Cunningham, the gorgeous guy who hires her, has no idea
that she's never been spanked before!But Brooke should be able to fake it. After all, how
hard can it be?
Kayla and the Rancher:
ISBN: 978-1-935152-17-0
Rancher Cord Holderness needs a wife, but with few prospects in the Wyoming
Territory, he decides that the only way to find a well-bred young lady is to get a mail-
order bride. However, the girl that?s supposed to be his mail-order bride gets cold feet
and leaves it up to her new friend, Kayla Mathison, to tell him that she?s changed her
But when the handsome rancher assumes that the fiercely independent and
stubborn Kayla is his mail-order bride, she finds herself going along with it. Running
from an arranged marriage herself, and desperately in need of funds to get herself to San
Francisco, she decides to lead Cord on so that she can steal the money she needs from
him. But as the days turn into weeks, she finds that the money doesn?t interest her as
much as it once did, especially when Cord starts putting her over his knee and spanking
her whenever she becomes a little too willful for his liking. Much to her surprise, she
discovers that she?s fallen in love with him.
Life on the ranch gets even more complicated when a ruthless land baron wants to
take over every piece of grazing land in the territory, including Cord?s, and will do
anything to get it. Then, as if that weren?t enough, Kayla?s very determined fianc? comes
to town looking for her.But Kayla has built this relationship with Cord by letting him
think that she?s someone else, and she can only hope that Cord loves her enough to
forgive her when he find out she?s not really his mail-order bride.
The Ambassador's Daughter:
ISBN: 978-1935152-21-7
Sparks fly in this sci-fi spanking romance when an interplanetary ambassador's
spoiled, impetuous daughter, Inarii Kal'yle, finally meets her match in the form of her
new, no-nonsense bodyguard, the handsome Rand Barany. An expert in the field of
personal protection, Rand has a reputation for getting the job done, and has no patience
for his charge's blatant disregard for the rules.
Threats abound around the beautiful socialite, but are they from her father's
enemies or the obsessed stalker who has unknowingly been tracking her? Rand doesn't
know or care; his job is to keep her safe. But how can he do that when she takes a
perverse sort of pleasure in slipping away from him every chance she gets?
Finally, he has no choice but to do what he's wanted to do since their first meeting
? he drags he over his knee and spanks her. Outraged, she runs to her father, thinking that
he will dismiss her brute of a bodyguard. But her father surprises her by siding with
Rand, telling her that it's no more than she deserves. Then, as if that weren't enough, he
practically gives Rand permission to spank her whenever the man sees fit!But when the
threats becomes all too real and they're on the run for their lives, Inarii has no choice but
to depend on Rand. Even then, her nature won't allow her to follow his orders, and he's
forced to spank her repeatedly - for her own good, according to him. And though she may
fight Rand every step of the way, it doesn't keep her from falling for the big brute!
Bride Combo:
ISBN: 978-1-935152-84-2
Two of Paige Tyler`s best stories together in a discounted pack! This bundle
carries the romances "Date for a Wedding" and "Bridezilla"!
Bridezilla: Travis McAlister had heard about it happening, but he never imagined
his beautiful, sweet-tempered fiance, Chloe Sheridan, would turn into a bridezilla. But
when they set the date for their wedding, Chloe changed right in front of his eyes, and his
once calm, organized girlfriend was now freaking out over every minor detail.
He tried to ignore it, but when they were still without a DJ a week before the
wedding, Travis finally decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. Not only
did he hire one for her, but when she began to argue with him about it, he put her over his
knee for a well-deserved spanking, followed up with a stern warning to behave or he
would have no choice but to do it again. Would that one spanking be enough to get her to
change her ways? Doubtful, not with a hundred decisions yet to be made and an out-of-
control bride determined to make a major event out of every one of them.
Date for a Wedding: Sabrina Kyle wants to make her ex-boyfriend jealous, and
what better way to do that than to go to a mutual friend`s wedding with a handsome man
on her arm?
But finding such a man on short notice can be difficult, and against her better
judgment, Sabrina asks the gorgeous Holden McKenna, a co-worker at the advertising
agency where she works, to be her date. Her plan works extremely well and her ex can`t
help but notice her. But things go awry when Holden catches onto the scheme. Not at all
pleased to find out that she`s used him, Holden drags her off for what he considers is a
well-deserved over-the-knee spanking! Consoling herself with the fact that at least she
made her ex jealous, Sabrina spends the rest of the evening nursing a sore bottom while
she promises to stay as far away from Holden as she can.
At work the next day, however, Sabrina is mortified to learn that she and Holden
have been selected to work on a new advertising campaign together. To make matters
worse, events conspire against them and they are forced to share a hotel room while they
try to meet the looming deadline. But how can she be expected her to work with a man
who puts her over his knee every time they have a difference of opinion?
Size: 2 Novellas / 10 Chapters Total (5 Chapters Each)
Her Personal Trainer
by Starla Kaye
Chapter One
A high gloss brochure of a Bahamas cruise lie on the middle of Elizabeth s desk,
right next to an invitation to her high school graduating class s tenth reunion. She was
certain that she d thrown both items into the trash Friday when they d arrived in the mail.
She d rather eat live bugs, like on one of those TV reality shows, than put herself through
such hell.
Crossing the flashy black and white corner office that overlooked Kansas City s
Country Club Plaza, she felt moths fluttering blindly in her stomach. She d always
considered the nervous feelings the dance of moths, not butterflies. Butterflies were for
pretty people and not plain Jane s like her. At least her father had called her his poor little
Plain Jane for as long as she could remember, right up until the day he died almost five
years ago. Since she d been so unpopular in high school and college, she d only gone on
a handful of dates arranged by her well-meaning mother or her roommate, Abigail. In the
last few years, since the success of the firm she and Abigail co-owned, she d gone on a
few unarranged dates. Even those had been disappointing. Now it seemed that men only
wanted to be seen with her because of her professional status. She was no more than
another step on their social climbing ladder. Which really meant she was still that  poor
little Plain Jane.
Her long, perfectly manicured fingers trembled as she picked up the fancy
invitation. She recalled looking into her mirror only a short while ago and putting the
finishing touches on her eye makeup. She seldom thought about how she looked, didn t
like thinking about it. Since those high school years when she d been a tad overweight,
complete with chubby cheeks and thighs she d preferred to keep hidden, she d had a late
growth spurt as well as a change in metabolism. At 5 9 now that weight had spread out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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