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could get away with wearing khakis and a polo bearing the company logo, but on days he had to present to
county commissions, city councils or emergency boards, he had to break out the business suit. Now all he
wanted was downtime clothing. It took some rummaging in the dark canvas depths to come up with a clean
shirt. Shit, I have to do laundry.
He tugged on jeans and a sweatshirt, his fingers trailing over the collar of his white dress shirt. No
lipstick marred the fabric. His mind started to slip into a mental PowerPoint presentation with honey hair
but he yanked it back. Those summery images he reserved for late night or in the shower. He d relived
every sweaty, indulgent minute with her a hundred times, created new fantasies that nearly gave him raw
Lipstick on His Collar
Late at night, alone in his bed or another mind-numbing series of hotel rooms he longed to be in a
cheap, drab room with her, cocooned away from a sudden summer shower. Strangely, it wasn t just the sex
he thought about. There were the words, the stories, the secrets exposed. It was the promise of something
that never had been fulfilled that stung the most. He felt like he was still chasing smoke, still looking for
that spark. Was it possible to become a stalker if you didn t know who you were stalking? The irony
twisted his mouth into a grimace. His life sounded like a bad country love song. Now all he needed was a
dog that could kick off to make his life complete.
A fast glance through the hotel information in the nightstand proved he was out of luck, no laundry
service. Under the listing for local amenities, one lone Laundromat sat with the ultra-creative title of the
Greenville Wash-n-Dry. Jack rattled on.
 Hey, Jack, I have to go. I ve been on the road for two weeks with three more ahead of me. You ve
got Carol to wash your socks. I have to take care of my own.
Bram tossed the phone on the bed and surveyed his options. Since he wasn t into nude public dining,
he didn t have any. Blowing out a sigh, he accepted fate. He d rather eat ground glass with a spoon, but he
zipped the duffle closed. Wash-n-Dry, here I come.
The drive was short. All drives in this town were. It boasted a grand total of one stoplight and, as his
luck dictated, Bram hit a red light. With his thumb bouncing on the steering wheel, he checked the hotel
information sheet he d grabbed and looked for the turnoff to the small business district.
The Greenville Wash-n-Dry was a squat white cement block building with a massive glass front.
Bram jammed the Durango into park and absently noted the gleaming washers and dryers through the
sparkling window. During his travels, he went through enough tolls that he kept a stash of coins in the
dashboard cubby, and he scooped out a handful of quarters. The brisk wind sliced through his sweatshirt
with a bite and the metal bar across the glass door chilled his hand. He hated driving in a jacket and rarely
wore one.
Inside, the scents of steam and Tide smacked him in the face. Dual rows of gleaming machines in
steel gray greeted him, their bellies rolling splotches of suds and colors in circular windows. A harried
mother chased a toddler pushing a wheeled basket cart and an old man sat with his nose buried in a
newspaper. A few others milled around, folding, sorting, staring into the machinery half-awake. The hum
of laundry served as background music for a country tune. The music piped from a boombox that matched
one he had gotten for his tenth birthday. He wondered, if he turned it over, would he find a child s name
scratched into the bottom?
He looked up and his stomach fell to the floor.
It was her.
The same pixie nose twitched as she rubbed it, those mesmerizing green eyes trained on entering
something into a laptop beside the cash register. She nibbled the full bottom lip that had filled far too many
http://www.samhainpublishing.com 21
Inez Kelley
erotic dreams for him in the past few months. With a scowl pulling those expressive brows lower, she used
a pencil to tap in a series of keys. She still took his breath but she looked different. Her hair wasn t loose
about her shoulders but caught back in a tight, thick braid. The moist heat of the room dampened her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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