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appositive-the second of two nouns together which repeats the meaning of, or identifies, the first
argumentation-discourse that convinces by reasoning
article-the words a, an, or the
auxiliary verb-verb used with another verb to indicate voice, mood, and tense (are, can, do, have, may, must,
shall, will)
broad reference-using pronouns to refer to the idea of the previous sentence or clause rather than to a particular
antecedent (Ebbitt and Ebbitt 1982)
brackets-punctuation marks ([ ]) used to enclose editorial insertions, corrections, and comments in quoted
material and in reference citations (nonmathematical)
caps & lc-capitalization of the principal words of an expression, Like This
case-form or position of a noun or substantive indicating its relation to other words in a sentence; (see
nominative, objective, possessive)
clause-group of words containing a subject and a predicate
close style of punctuation-using all punctuation that the grammatical structure will allow
collective noun-name of a group of people or things
colon-punctuation mark (:) used to separate and introduce lists, clauses, and quotations
comma-punctuation mark (,) used to separate and to enclose elements of a sentence in order to prevent
common noun-name of a class or kind
comparative degree of modifier-modifier that indicates a quality existing to a greater or lesser degree in one
thing than in another
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compound predicates-two or more predicates in a sentence with the same subject
conjunction-connective that joins sentences, clauses, phrases, or words
conjunctive adverb-adverb used as coordinating conjunction to join independent clauses (therefore, however,
thus, hence, otherwise)
coordinate adjectives-adjectives that independently modify a noun
coordinate conjunction-conjunction that joins words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank (and, but, or, nor)
coordinating conjunction-conjunction that joins grammatically equal sentence elements, that is, a word to a
word, a phrase to a phrase, or a clause to a clause, see coordinate conjunction, correlative conjunction,
conjunctive adverb
correlative conjunction-pair of words that connect parallel sentence elements (either . . . or, both . . . and,
not only . . . but also)
dash-punctuation mark (-) used to enclose and to separate sentence elements when the elements contain internal
commas or when emphasis or suspense of the sense is desired
demonstrative pronoun-pronoun that refers to something present or near (this, these) or to something more
remote (that, those)
dependent clause-clause that is subordinate to, or dependent on, the independent clause
description-discourse that gives a mental image
direct quotation-repetition without change of another's language; compare indirect quotation
em dash-see dash
en dash-punctuation mark (-) used to indicate inclusive numbers and to connect a unit modifier with a two-word
exposition-discourse that explains how and why things happen
full caps-capitalization of every letter in an expression, LIKE THIS
gerund-verb ending in ing used as a noun
grammar-study of the classes of words, their inflections (changes in form to distinguish case, gender, tense,
etc.), and functions in a sentence (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary)
headline style capitalization-capitalization of all principal words (also called caps & lc)
hyphen-punctuation mark (-) used to connect words broken at the ends of lines, prefixes and suffixes to words,
and compound words
imperative mood-verb form indicating a command
independent clause-clause on which the rest of the sentence depends
indicative mood-verb form indicating fact
indirect quotation or question-quotation or question expressed as a subordinate clause
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infinitive-verb preceded by to used as an adverb, adjective, or noun
modifier-word, phrase, or clause that affects the meaning of another word or group of words; see restrictive,
mood-form of verb indicating manner of doing or being; see indicative, imperative, subjunctive
narration-discourse that tells what happened
nominative absolute-noun or substantive not grammatically connected to the sentence and modified by a
nominative case-noun that is subject to a verb, a predicate nominative, in apposition to a nominative, or a
nominative absolute
nonrestrictive modifier-modifier that does not limit or confine the meaning of the basic sentence
noun-word that names a person, place, or thing; see common, proper
objective case-noun that is object of a verb, preposition, or verbal
open style of punctuation-using only the punctuation necessary to prevent misreading
parallelism-writing logically equal ideas in the same grammatical structure
parentheses-punctuation marks (( )) used to enclose nonrestrictive or interrupting elements
participle-verb used as an adjective; may be present, ending in ing, or past, ending in ed
passive voice-verb or sentence whose subject is receiving the action
period-punctuation mark (.) used to mark the end of declarative and imperative sentences and other complete
thoughts and to indicate abbreviations
personal pronoun-pronoun that refers to a person; may be first person (I, we), second person (you), third
person (he, she, they)
points of ellipsis-three evenly spaced periods (. . . ) used to indicate an omission, particularly from quoted
positive degree of modifier-modifier that indicates existence of a quality
possessive case-noun that denotes possession [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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