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Cat Marsters Empire 4: Dawn Rising - 99 -
But when she handed the cup back he took her hand and just held it, eyes closed,
throat working. His other hand stole to her chest, pressed against her heart.
 Your heartbeat drew me, he said.
 I swear I m not doing it --
 I know, Edward said heavily. His hand slid over her chest to her neck, her jaw,
her cheek. He cupped her face and looked at her, eyes deep and blue and endless, and
Callie felt herself falling into him.
She raised herself up and pressed her body against his, his hard, warm, glorious
body. He felt so wonderful in her arms, so strong and kind, the only man capable of
giving her honest pleasure.
Her lips touched his, a soft kiss of thanks. At least, it began as a soft kiss, but
turned into more. Her arms twined around his neck, her breasts pressed against his
chest, and her skin drank in the feeling of his.
His mouth was warm, soft, gentle. When she opened her eyes and looked into
his, he looked back with tenderness.
Callie lay back on the bed and beckoned to him to follow her, and he did, fitting
the length of his body against hers and kissing her, holding her tight, stroking her. A
man who wanted to be with her, wanted to give her pleasure, and more importantly a
man she wanted to give pleasure to.
He was shirtless, barefoot, and she made short work of the loose pants he wore.
Naked, he pressed against her, his body so warm and hard, wonderful in her arms. His
hard chest, his strong arms, his neat waist and strong thighs tangling with her own. The
crisp hairs on his body abraded her skin.
Still he kissed her, an endless kiss, as if he d drown from the lack of it. Pressing
against her hip, his cock throbbed, and she parted her legs to drape one thigh over his
hip and feel the heat of him against her wet pussy. They lay side by side, wrapped
around each other, moving soft and slow, and when Edward slid inside her Callie
clutched at him, shuddering with the rightness of it.
Cat Marsters Empire 4: Dawn Rising - 100 -
Neither of us can ever achieve what we want, she realized, meeting his bright blue
gaze. He can never be free of his wife and I can never be free of the Empire. The world can never
be what we want it to be. And yet, right now, I don t care.
 Callie, he murmured, the first word either had spoken since she kissed him.
His hands grasped her buttocks, pulling her closer to him as he sank deeper inside her.
He was hot and hard, and her body melted for him.
He surged into her, one hand finding her breast and caressing the soft flesh. He
stroked her nipple, teasing the sensitive bud until she gasped.
 Are we -- is this Swann s ship? she panted, and Edward nodded, kissing her
neck.  No tech?
 Not for a hundred miles. Come as hard as you want, sweetheart.
He smiled at her, and Callie sank into the heat of it. His hands on her body, his
cock inside her, his warm eyes, all wound her higher and higher until she broke,
twisting in his arms, molten pleasure flooding her body.
Edward rolled her to her back, rearing above her and thrusting hard into her.
Boneless with pleasure, she welcomed him into her body, gazing at the perfection of
him above her, marveling at the glory of him inside her.
He clutched her hips, gasping, and when she felt him shudder inside her she
wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him to her as he gasped out her name
and came deep inside her.
Afterwards they lay together, lay like lovers, close and warm and quiet. Dozing
in each other s arms. Stroking idly. Kissing softly. Listening to the creak and sway of the
 I need to tell you something, Callie said.
 Is it that you re a virgin?  Cos I don t believe you.
She smiled against his shoulder.  Not since Devyn Mallet got me drunk at my
cousin s wedding when I was seventeen.
His fingers tightened ever so slightly on her arm.
 Calliseppiterranoia Filoxidopulos didn t die a virgin, Callie said softly.
Cat Marsters Empire 4: Dawn Rising - 101 -
 Callisep -- did your parents hate you? Edward said, outraged.
She laughed.  My mother thought names were better by the syllable. Took me
years to learn how to spell it. She paused.  Boudicca is easier.
 Where did Boudicca come from?
She took a deep breath and felt Edward s stir of appreciation as her breasts
swelled against his ribs.
 I told you about my village. He nodded.  Everyone I knew. Her voice
remained steady.  The Emperor ordered it because we were harboring a dissident. I
heard the transmit when I was hiding with my nieces. He ordered everyone to be
slaughtered. Those were his words. He told his soldiers to rape -- actually told them.
And to save the pretty ones for him.
She forced herself to think about Edward s warm body lying next to hers, about
the strength of the muscle in his shoulder, the smoothness of his skin, the crisp brush of
the hairs on his chest as her fingers kept stroking him.
She willed her mind away from the dark, damp utility shed where she huddled
with two terrified little girls, trying desperately to keep them quiet, hoping with all her
might they hadn t seen what had become of their parents, wishing with every atom of
her being that the soldiers would pass by and leave them alone.
 He liked to take girls from the provinces, Edward said, his voice anchoring her
in the present.  Said they were charming and unspoilt.
 Not by the time he got his hands on them, they weren t, Callie said.  And
certainly not by the time he was finished with them. He passed them around amongst
his friends. Made a game of it. Who could humiliate and degrade them more. Beat and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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