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him at the beginning.
"Yeah. I say onion rings. And some of that weird blue
cheese stuff." They both got up, wiping off and putting
themselves together. "Think we ought to hide the guns in
case the maid comes?"
"Probably. People get all weird and shit."
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"Yeah, okay." The Glock went back in a box and under the
little side table. Sonny stretched, the bruise on his throat
looking lurid in the dying light. "I want some of those little
jalapeno things, too."
"Okay. I want one of those brownie ice cream hot and
melty cake dessert things." He shoved the duffle under the
bed, pocketing the knives. "You wanna meet our new car?"
"I do. Lead me to her, Precious." The man bounced.
Actually bounced.
"It's black as your soul." He tossed Sonny the keys,
heading for the door. This part was actually fun as fuck.
"Oh, she's a doll baby," Sonny said, running his hand over
the back fender and slipping into the driver's seat once they
got downstairs. The engine hummed right to life, and Sonny
yanked him over for a hard, hard kiss as soon as his butt hit
the passenger seat. "She's perfect, Precious."
Oh, fucking go him.
"Excellent. Feed me, Sunshine. We have to get back to
They needed to go do this job, have some fun, and fuck
like bunnies so they could get back to what they did best.
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
Chapter Eight
Oh. Oh. Oh, damn.
The first few bites of chocolate were delicious. The
beginning of the second bag was amazing.
Now? Oh, the storm was damn. And he was uhn. And
the balcony railing wow.
And then Neil? Sweet fucking Christ.
He leaned over backward, laughing as the rain poured
down over him, soaking him to the skin.
The glass door behind him opened and shut, Neil coming
out to join him. The fancy pants and sweater had been
replaced by a long-sleeved T-shirt and some workout pants,
and that was definitely woo and probably hoo, too. Especially
since the shirt was white.
And now see-through.
"Oh, that's almost cold. Delicious."
"Uh-huh. Mmm ... nipples. Do yours taste salty?" He'd bet
they did. Salty and good and ripe in his lips. Uhn.
"I suppose that depends on what I've been doing." It was
nice that Neil didn't whack him or look shocked or anything,
like some other guys had. "Do yours taste like chocolate?"
He looked down, then stripped off his shirt to look closer.
Man, they were hard, too. Pokey. Pointy and, oh. The water
and wind felt cold. Good. Wow. "They could."
"They could indeed. But not out here. The chocolate would
wash right off."
He laughed, fingers sliding up his belly to brush them off.
"Then they'd just taste like rain and me."
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"Yes. I wonder what that tastes like." Man, those eyes
were like water. Not the rain, but like the sea. In Greece,
maybe. And Neil had this look...
"Like a merman..." Oh, wow. He'd always wondered about
them. Right now, he could almost believe in them.
"Hmm?" Neil took one step, then another, close enough to
brush against him, fingers reaching out to trace his sternum.
"You look..." Mmm, that was warm, the contrast making
his cock throb, his nipples just draw up tighter. Oh, Neil's
nails were smooth.
"I look?" That smile. Pure wickedness.
"Exotic? Wet. Wicked. Hungry." Mmm ... hungry man.
Well, not Hungry Man, because TV dinners, ew. But eat him
up hungry.
"I am hungry. But not really for chocolate. I fear I've
overindulged." Closer still, and Neil was hot, even in the cold
"You're not sick to your stomach, are you? I'd hate to
make you sick."
"Not a bit. But I know my limits."
Yeah. Yeah, they'd binged a little. A lot. Something.
"Yeah? I never do. Haven't found 'em. Curious, though.
Like to see how they work. Oh, look at the lightning!" He
shivered, pressed toward Neil's heat because he was cold
"I think I should like to see how they work, too. Let's go
in. I put towels in the little dryer. They should be nice and
Steam and Sunshine
by BA Tortuga
"There's a dryer?" Ooh ... warm towels. Warm Neil. He
wondered if Neil'd let him help dry.
"Next to the hot tub. There's a little gas fireplace, too. And
the kitchenette. I do like this hotel." Neil took his hand, just
like in the park, and led him in, over to the bathroom so they
could drip on the floor.
"It's nice. Sleek." Fancy. Sort of chilly, at least until you
got up into the pretty bathroom with the deep tub and tiles.
More sea stuff. Palms, too, but not tiki head coconut bra
cheesy palms. Coconut bras. "Did you know you're 10,000
times more likely to die from being hit in the head by a falling
coconut than by being eaten by a shark?"
"Really? Why is that? More coconuts than sharks?" His
shirt was already gone. Maybe they could put it in the dryer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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