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pushing on the top of her back so her ass was tilted up to him. He
reached one careful hand between her legs, where she was still soft
and wet.  This is another one of my favorites, he said. He positioned
his cock and slid into her tight channel. They both groaned.  I can get
so deep this way.
He started to move, holding her hips, thrusting his cock into her
wet depths.  Do you like this one? he asked softly, leaning over to
kiss the back of her neck as she shook her hair out of his way.
 I love it, she moaned, as he proceeded to show her he agreed.
* * * *
Heart of Stone 83
She was curled up so sweet next to him in bed, his arm around
her, her head resting on his shoulder. He had ridden her hard last
night, just as he said he would. By the time he ran a cool washcloth
along her naked body and then dressed her in the nightgown he had
fetched from her room, she was ready to drift off to sleep next to him.
And sleep she did, straight through, though he just stayed awake and
savored the feel of her next to him until the first rays of sunshine
peeked through the closed curtains of the window.
She stirred, and he placed a light kiss on the top of her head. She
opened her eyes with an  mmm as her leg travelled over his own,
discovering he was very much awake. He had been most of the night
off and on, though he made no move to do anything about it. She
would be sore. He wouldn t add to her discomfort by taking his
selfish pleasure yet again.
She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily.  I expect I know pretty
well what that  F word means now. And her hand wandered over to
his stiff cock.
He caught it with a laugh and leaned down to kiss her leisurely.
 No, I can t make love to you again. You d be too tender.
 Sure I can t make you change your mind?
 I m sure you could. But we shouldn t.
In the light of day, he didn t know whether that meant  shouldn t
right now or  shouldn t ever again. But he did know he couldn t
bear not to touch her again. As if to reassure himself he could, he
palmed one warm, heavy breast. When she arched her back with a
purr of contentment, he sidled around so she lay on her back with him
over her. He trailed light kisses down her neck and throat, one of his
hands slipping between her legs where she was already liquid and soft
for him. He tongued her nipple and relished her soft cries as he made
his way farther down her body until he parted her legs and softly
kissed her between them. With a start, her eyes flew open, and she
looked down in shock.
84 Angela Claire
 You haven t heard about this one, then, eh, my little orphan?
 No, she whispered, and lay back with a smile.  But I think I m
going to like it.
 I guarantee it, sweetheart.
He filled his hands with her supple ass, lifting her to his mouth,
and lightly licked her clit. When he had her moaning above him, he
slid one hand around to slip a finger into her, mimicking slowly what
they had done last night and what he was dying to do again. Without
volition, he ground his hard cock into the mattress rhythmically as he
kissed and licked and fingered her. She came against his mouth,
clutching strands of his hair to hold him closer, panting.
When he slid up her body, both their bodies were already slick
from their exertions. She wound her arms around his neck and pressed
even closer. Though he truly thought his cock might explode, he
accepted the embrace, savoring the affection it demonstrated.
 What about you? she asked shyly.
 What about me?
She glanced down, her hand following her eyes, clasping his
unsatisfied cock.
 I m fine, he lied.
She squeezed, just about causing him to jump out of his skin.
 Can I do that for you?
 What? he asked, afraid he knew.
 I m sore. I won t deny it. But couldn t I at least touch you, her
voice lowered,  kiss you, like you just did for me?
 I d like nothing better, honey. But I don t know if you d like it
right now. All of this is so new to you. That s something only the
most experienced of, ah, ladies do in bed.
Meanwhile, she kept stroking his cock, with his cock participating
enthusiastically by thrusting against her palm. If the thing could talk,
it d probably sit up and beg for her to go down on him.
Melinda scoffed at his explanation.  You re still stuck on this
whore versus saint thing with women, Jake Stone. Don t make me tell
Heart of Stone 85
you again that most women are a little of both. I know I am, and more
the former than the latter right at this very minute.
Her hand still firmly on his cock, she scooted down, crouching a
little and presenting him with a fascinating view of her bottom thrust
up into the air. When he felt her soft kiss on the head of his cock, her
long hair streaming out along his belly, he just about jumped out of
his skin.  Tell me what to do, Jake, she whispered against him,  or
I ll figure it out myself.
Either alternative was just fine and dandy with him if she insisted.
He groaned, not adverse to a bit of guidance though.  Put your mouth
over the head while you stroke it, he croaked.
She was a good little learner, he remembered from last night,
proving it again now. He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her
warm mouth on his cock for a moment. But the view was just too
good to miss. When he wove his fingers into her silky hair and
opened his eyes to watch her at her ministrations, she rewarded him
by glancing up and sucking more of his shaft into her mouth. A wave
of pleasure threatened to overwhelm him, and he felt on the verge of
coming in her mouth. He tried to push her head away.  Stop, Melinda,
honey. Stop or I ll come!
Whether she didn t understand the significance of the warning or
she welcomed his release, he didn t know. She just ignored him and
sucked harder until with a hoarse cry, he felt himself ejaculate,
stronger than he would have thought possible given the night they d
had last night.
She didn t pull away until he did. He was immediately contrite,
grabbing part of the cover sheet to wipe her mouth.
 I m sorry, Melinda. Did I scare you? Are you okay? You don t
have to do that, you know.
She batted his offer of the edge of the sheet away and licked her
lips, then leaned forward to kiss him.  That was incredible, she
86 Angela Claire
Lord, what had he done to deserve this gorgeous girl s sweet
attentions, and would he ever get enough of them?
Heart of Stone 87
Chapter Six
Melinda snuggled underneath the downy quilt on Jake s bed. She
would have to get up eventually, but the time it would take Jake to get
to the Wilsons spread and back gave her plenty of leeway. She really
should have gone with Jake to pick Ginny up. But this thing was all so
new. She was afraid she would give herself away if she didn t have a
little more time to collect her thoughts. She didn t delude herself. She
was crazy in love with Jake Stone. Unfortunately, that didn t mean he
was in love with her. He d been straightforward from the start.
She heard the front door open. He must have forgotten something.
The silence that greeted her call unnerved her, and she sat up,
gathering the quilt around her.
 My, what a pretty picture this is. Winthrop was suddenly in the
doorway to the room, lounging against the doorframe.  I thought Jake
looked mighty pleased with himself riding out just now.
 Mr. Winthrop& what are you doing here? She brought the
comforter up to her chin as, incredibly, the man had the nerve to
approach the bed. He ripped the cover out of her hands and threw it
on the floor, exposing her nakedness, and with a yelp, she leapt up,
trying to cover herself.
 No need to be shy, girl. You and I are going to have a little fun
before I do my business.
 Jake will kill you!
 If he ever found out, maybe. But we re not going to linger
around hereabouts and give him the chance. You re coming with me,
you whore. I have just the place where you and I can be alone.
88 Angela Claire
She made a wild lunge for the doorway, and Winthrop caught her
around the waist, swinging her around and knocking her to the floor. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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