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 Kirby? Amery called out as I heard the door to the garage close.
Looking over at the clock, I saw I d been working for hours without
so much as taking a bathroom break.
 In the office, I ll come to you, I yelled back. I stood slowly, my
back popping as my spine adjusted from being seated so long in one
spot. Then I saved my work and jogged downstairs. I froze when I
saw the worried look on Amery s face.  What happened?
 I ve got something to tell you, but I m scared at how you ll react
or pass out again.
 You re pregnant, I gasped, having pieced together why he
thought I d faint. Amery nodded and took a hesitant step to me. I, on
the other hand, raced over to him and leapt into his big arms. He
grunted in surprise as he caught me just in time.  This is fantastic!
 Really? You re okay with this? he whispered as his body shook.
 I m thrilled, Amery, I gushed, burying my face in his neck.
 We re going to be daddies!
 Oh thank the gods, Amery said with a sigh.  I know you said
you wanted this, but when I found out I really was, I couldn t help but
 I ll never lie to you or just tell you what I think you want to
hear. I shimmied down his body, which had his eyebrows scrunching
together.  I can t hop up on you like a monkey while you re pregnant.
I could accidently kick the baby or something when I jump you.
 And you were worried about being a parent, he replied with a
soft smile and cupped my cheek.  What smells so good?
 I made us a nice dinner in the slow cooker to celebrate us being
mated and me having lived with you for a week. But now we have
bigger things to celebrate.
 I think it s great you got excited and planned this for our week
anniversary. Amery smiled like a loon as he went to the cabinet and
Spells and Bananas 47
grabbed plates while I stirred dinner. I held out a spoonful for him to
try.  Mmm, you re a great cook! I didn t know that.
 I don t know how to make much, but what I do know how to
make doesn t get any complaints, I said with a giggle. He gave me a
wink and set the table as I got the salad together. It was all so normal.
 I told the hospital I needed a maternity leave.
 Do they know that you re a witch? I mean, are you out as a
paranormal at work?
 I wasn t officially, though some people knew, he answered with
a shrug.  Everyone does now, and there didn t seem to be any issues.
I mean, I have been working there for twenty-five years. I m sure
most of them knew something was up though since I ve not aged.
 I guess, I hedged, not sure if that was a smart move.
 What? Amery stopped setting the table and stared at me as I
chopped the vegetables.
 I know there are laws protecting paranormals and all of that, I
started to say, choosing my words carefully.  But we did a spread a
few months ago at Sups Weekly about stories of people who came out,
and you wouldn t believe what some people went through. And I m
not just talking in small towns, Amery. There was a circuit court
judge in New York City who was let go and a bunch of his old cases
called into question.
 That s horrible, he gasped and plopped down into one of the
kitchen table chairs.  I had no idea. I mean, how can that happen with
the Paranormal Rights laws in place to protect us?
 They came up with some bullshit reason other than the guy being
a werewolf. But he had an exemplary record and years of service, and
days after he came out he was suddenly fired for some crap that
should have just been a warning. He didn t even do it and is still
fighting his dismissal in court.
 I m sorry, I wasn t thinking, Amery said sadly as he hung his
head in shame. Shit! I raced around the island and knelt in front of
48 Joyee Flynn
 You have nothing to be sorry for. I took his hands in mine in a
show of support.  We should be able to be who we are without any
repercussions, but that s just not how the world works. I mean,
humans know about us, but knowing and accepting are still two
different things. I think it s great you were honest. I just wanted you
to know that there could be backlash and to be careful. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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