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"I'm all right, Phillip. Don't get hurt because of me," I said.
His face crumbled with confusion. He didn't seem to know what to do. His courage seemed to have
spilled out on the grass.
But he didn't back off. Big point for him. I would have backed off, maybe. Probably. Oh, hell, Phillip
was being brave, and I didn't want to see him die because of it.
"Just go back, Phillip, please!"
"No," Nikolaos said. "If the little man is feeling brave, let him try."
Phillip's hands flexed, as if trying to grab on to something.
Nikolaos was suddenly beside him. I hadn't seen her move. Phillip still hadn't. He was staring where she
had been. She kicked his legs out from under him. He fell to the grass, blinking up at her like she'd just
"Don't hurt him!" I said.
A pale little hand shot out, the barest touch. His whole body jerked backwards. He rolled on one side,
blood staining his face.
"Nikolaos, please!" I said. I had actually taken two steps towards her. Voluntarily. I could always try for
my gun. It wouldn't kill her, but it might give Phillip time to run away. If he would run.
Screams sounded from the direction of the house. A man's voice yelled, "Perverts!"
"What is it?" I asked.
Nikolaos answered, "The Church of Eternal Life has sent its congregation." She sounded mildly amused.
"I must leave this little get-together." She whirled to me, leaving Phillip dazed on the grass. "How did you
see my scar?" she asked.
"I don't know."
"Little liar. We will finish this later." And she was gone, running like a pale shadow under the trees. At
least she hadn't flown away. I didn't think my wits could handle that tonight.
I knelt by Phillip. He was bleeding where she had hit him. "Can you hear me?"
"Yes." He managed to sit up. "We have to get out of here. The churchgoers are always armed."
I helped him to stand. "Do they invade the freak parties often?"
"Whenever they can," he said.
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He seemed steady on his feet. Good, I could never have carried him far.
Willie said, "I know I don't have a right to ask, but I'll help you get to your car." He wiped his hands
down his pants. "Can I catch a ride?"
I couldn't help it. I laughed. "Can't you just disappear like the rest of them?"
He shrugged. "Don't know how yet."
"Oh, Willie." I sighed. "Come on, let's get out of here."
He grinned at me. Being able to look him in the eyes made him seem almost human. Phillip didn't object
to the vampire joining us. Why had I thought he would?
There were screams from the house. "Somebody's gonna call the cops," Willie said.
He was right. I'd never be able to explain it. I grabbed Phillip's hand and steadied myself while I put the
high heels back on. "If I'd known we'd be running from crazed fanatics tonight, I'd have worn lower
heels," I said.
I kept a grip on Phillip's arm to steady myself through the minefield of acorns. This was not the time to
twist an ankle.
We were almost to the gravel drive when three figures spilled out of the house. One held a club. The
others were vampires. They didn't need a weapon. I opened my purse and got my gun out, held down at
my side, hidden against my skirt. I gave Phillip the car keys. "Start the car; I'll cover our backs."
"I don't know how to drive," he said.
I had forgotten. "Shit!"
"I'll do it." Willie took the keys, and I let him.
One of the vampires rushed us, arms wide, hissing. Maybe he meant to scare us; maybe he meant to do
us harm. I'd had enough for one night. I clicked off the safety, chambered a round and fired into the
ground at his feet.
He hesitated, almost stumbled. "Bullets can't hurt me, human."
There was more movement under the trees. I didn't know if it was friend or foe, or if it made a hell of a
lot of difference. The vampire kept coming. It was a residential neighborhood. Bullets can travel a great
distance before they hit something. I couldn't take the chance.
I raised my arm, aimed, and fired. The bullet took him in the stomach. He jerked and sort of crumpled
over the wound. His face held astonishment.
"Silver-plated bullets, fang-face."
Willie went for the car. Phillip hesitated between helping me and going.
"Go, Phillip, now."
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The second vampire was trying to circle around. "Stop right where you are," I said. The vampire froze.
"Anybody makes a threatening gesture, I'm going to put a bullet in their brain."
"It won't kill us," the second vampire said.
"No, but it won't do you a hell of a lot of good, either."
The human with the club inched forward. "Don't," I told him.
The car started. I didn't dare glance back at it. I stepped backwards, hoping I wouldn't trip in the damn
high heels. If I fell, they'd rush me. If they rushed me, somebody was going to die.
"Come on, Anita, get in." It was Phillip, leaning out of the passenger side door.
"Scoot over." He did, and I slid into the seat. The human rushed us. "Drive, now!"
Willie spun gravel, and I slammed the door shut. I really didn't want to kill anyone tonight. The human
was shielding his face from the gravel as we rushed down the driveway.
The car bounced wildly, nearly colliding with a tree. "Slow down; we're safe," I said.
Willie eased back on the gas. He grinned at me. "We made it."
"Yeah." I smiled back at him, but I wasn't so sure.
Blood was dripping down Phillip's face in a nice steady flow. He voiced my thoughts. "Safe, but for how
long?" He sounded as tired as I felt.
I patted his arm. "Everything will be all right, Phillip."
He looked at me. His face seemed older than it had, tired. "You don't believe that any more than I do." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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