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the Company (4) & & such time as the Company shall serve notice on the Supplier
that the failure or delay must be remedied (5) & & a specified date or the Company
will be obliged to take appropriate action.
Example (*)
AA. by
A. on
B. with
C. until
D. by
E. against
(*) AA. by
Look at the letter below. A lawyer has written it on behalf of her client.
Parts of the letter are written in an inappropriate way. They are underlined. Rewrite
the underlined words in a more appropriate way. Write your answers on the answer
There is an example at the beginning (*). (20 points)
Barnes Holland & Co
Chancery House
1 Bell Lane
28 September 20XX
Mr Colin Stoker
C&S Plumbing and Heating Services
Unit 12 St James Industrial Estate
Dear (*) Colin Stoker
Your work for Mrs Beverley Adams
(1) I am working for Mrs Beverly Adams who has asked me to contact you on her behalf.
Mrs Adams has (2) said to me that you carried out some plumbing and building work in her
home at 33 Russell Gardens in July 20XX. Mrs Adams (3) is saying that despite numerous
telephone calls and letters to your place of business, (4) you have been silent about the
complaints that she has made concerning the work that you carried out. May I draw your
attention to the fact that despite having no formal, written agreement (5) a contract of spoken
words exists between you.
My client would like to raise the following points with you:
1 You (6) promised you would remove an old gas fire from her living room and repair
the damage to the wall. You removed the fire on 20 July 20XX, but (7) at this moment the
wall has not been repaired.
2 You installed a new hot water boiler in the kitchen and suggested that (8) for more
money of £150 you would build a cupboard around it so that it would not be visible. You
installed the boiler on 21 July 20XX but failed to fit the cupboard according to your
My client also tells me that in addition to this, you have not supplied her with a (9) paper to
prove that she has paid you for the cash amount of £1,800 that she gave you on 20 July 20XX.
Please contact this office as soon as possible so that we can discuss how to resolve this
(10) argument as quickly as possible.
Yours sincerely
Emma Watson
Example (*) Mr Stoker
Read the following sentences that have a preposition missing from them. For each
sentence choose the preposition which best fits into the space from the options
provided. Put a circle around the correct answer on the answer sheet.
Do NOT mark more than one answer for each sentence.
There is an example at the beginning (*). (10 points)
Example: He was unable to claim damages (*) & & the other party as the contract
contained a clause to that effect.
(1) You will need to call in and see me again at some point (1) & & the next few weeks.
(2) He will continue as managing director of the company (2) & & his retirement next
(3) That firm is branching out (3) & & the field of medical negligence.
(4) Please make an appointment with my secretary to see me again (4) & & Friday.
(5) We still have a lot of work to do (5) & & terms of collecting evidence to support
your claim.
(6) Have you received that report (6) & & the firm s profits for the last six months?
(7) Were you born (7) & & 1980?
(8) This could cost you well (8) & & £5000, in fact, it could be closer to £6000.
(9) He is going to be a member (9) & & the committee that investigates the politician s
(10) His salary is matched (10) & & his ability in the courtroom.
(*) A. from B. at C. to D. with
(1) A. over B. by C. to D. from
(2) A. with B. for C. until D. as
(3) A. to B. into C. for D. with
(4) A. in B. to C. at D. on
(5) A. in B. to C. for D. as
(6) A. for B. as C. to D. on
(7) A. in B. on C. to D. over
(8) A. with B. up C. over D. to
(9) A. of B. in C. to D. for
(10) A. for B. to C. by D. as
Read the following extract from a contract of sale. Some of the words or phrases are
underlined. Explain the meaning of these underlined words or phrases. You can write
one word in plain English or a short explanation. Write your answers on the
answer sheet.
There is an example at the beginning (*). (10 points)
Terms and conditions of sale
7. Prices
All prices quoted are (*) net unless otherwise stated in writing by us. Payment must
be made immediately unless a credit account has been agreed and in such cases
payment must be made within 30 days of the date of the (1) invoice. The Seller
reserves the right to charge interest on all (2) overdue accounts at the rate of 1.5% per
calendar month.
8. Deliveries
The time of delivery is estimated as accurately as possible. When for reasons beyond
our control delivery estimates are exceeded we shall not be liable for delay.
9. Damage, loss or shortage
The Seller does not accept any liability for damage or loss (3) in transit or any
shortage in the amount of delivered goods unless:
i) notification of damage loss or shortage is reported to both the Seller and the
carrier within 10 days of (4) the receipt of the goods and the goods have been
signed for as  not examined and have been handled by the Buyer in
accordance with the carrier s conditions; or
ii) non-delivery is reported to the Seller and to the carrier within 7 days of
notification of (5) dispatch by the carrier to the Buyer.
Example (*) not including tax [Value Added Tax].
TOLES HIGHER examination (sample paper)
Answer key
Paper 1  Reading & writing
1. (A) liability
2. (D) tort 1. I act for, I am acting for, I am
3. (B) will instructed by, I have been instructed
4. (C) arrears by, I act on behalf of
5. (B) insolvent 2. informed me, instructed me
6. (D) laundering 3. tells me, informs me, alleges, claims
7. (D) audience 4. you have not responded to, you have
8. (A) notice failed to respond to, you have ignored
9. (C) injured 5. an oral contract, a verbal contract, an
10. (D) gross oral agreement, a verbal agreement
6. agreed to, contracted to, undertook to
SECTION 2 7. to date
8. for an extra payment of, for an
1. plaintiff additional payment of, for an
2. contract additional
3. compensate, indemnify 9. receipt
4. defendant 10. dispute, matter
5. breach
6. damages, compensation SECTION 5
7. admit
8. denies, refutes 1. (A) over
9. evidence 2. (C) until
10. trial 3. (B) into
4. (D) on
SECTION 3 (A) 5. (A) in
6. (D) on
1. (C) remedy 7. (A) in
2. (E) neglect 8. (C) over
3. (A) bankruptcy 9. (A) of
4. (D) legislation 10. (C) by
5. (B) interests
1. A document listing the goods or
1. (B) with services that have been supplied and
2. (E) against showing how much money is owed for
3. (A) on them.
4. (C) until 2. Financial records which show that the
5. (D) by buyer has not paid bills or invoices on the
agreed date and payment is now late.
3. While being physically moved from one
party to another, by courier, lorry or ship,
for example.
4. Receiving
5. Sending [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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