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They are quickly learning their new bodies and adjusting with astonishing
rapidity to new forms and abilities."
"It is to be expected," Gunit Sangh noted. "Who-ever planned this operation
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knew the Well World be-fore they ever got here. They have been thoroughly
briefed. They knew they were going to become dif-ferent forms with different
abilities and were told to explore their new forms and adjust quickly. They
are not here as ignorant children to live a new life; they are here as
preprepared soldiers. You see what I
mean, my brothers. We could lose this thing."
They seemed to shimmer a bit at this idea. It was disturbing to them, as it
was to Gunit Sangh. "You have them under restraint?"
Zilchet sounded slightly miffed at the question. "Of course, Your Holiness.
Any who appear are brought as quickly as possible to a central receiving
facility, where they are carefully interrogated and then re-strained, awaiting
Your Holiness's decision."
"My decision is to let them go," the leader told them.
This astonished them, and there was much agitated rippling of their ghostly
white forms.
"Tell me, are they of the same race? The same world?"
Zilchet had barely recovered from his shock. "Yes, Your Holiness. The same.
Remarkable uniformity, in fact, if I do say so myself."
"Do they appear to know each other personally as from before?"
"No, it is not evident. At least I have seen no in-dication of such. Not that
it might not happen, but if you are talking about a population of a billion or
more, as we surmise, it would be pure chance."
Gunit Sangh seemed pleased at this. "And is your understanding complete enough
to allow, say, three hundred Entries to go where they will and four hun-dred
Entries to arrive there? In close company all the while?"
"Four " Zilchet seemed confused, slightly hesitant. Then, all at once, he got
the idea. "Oh, I
"He con-sidered it. "Superficially, at any rate. I would prefer not to have
them travel as a group. A chance en-counter, yes, but not moment-to-moment.
No. There are too many tiny details. You could slip so very easily and never
know. But we could send three hundred, then another hundred a day or so behind
them, fol-lowing. Conditioning so many would be out of the question, too, but
we could condition a few, say six or seven real Entries. They would lead the
group and would see nothing awry in our own party.
That we could easily manage, and it should work."
"Then we do it that way," the leader ordered. "We need some of our own people
on their side. We won't be the only ones, either, of course. The biggest
weak-ness his side has is that it can't possibly know the true nature of
everyone in its armies, nor their loyalties. They must know this. But most
will be there as spies, nothing more. Ours will have a different task."
"And what is this?" Zilchet was so involved he for-got he wasn't supposed to
prompt the leader.
Gunit Sangh gave him an icy stare as a reminder, but otherwise let it go. This
was far too important to execute the wretch now. But he would remember the
lapse. . . .
"Of all the different Entries, only a few are not of this soldier type. These
are his commanders, of course.
A number of them. Information from the central com-mand Ortega is establishing
tells me, though, that at least one of these has more than utilitarian meaning
to Brazil. This is the woman Mavra Chang, now a
Dillian. He regards her as something of a sibling with that curious bond
lesser races have for such. I want our people there to behave just like good
soldiers, to fight in Brazil's forces, take orders, do all that they would be
expected to do. But if it looks as if Brazil will attain his goal, if it looks
like his side will win, I
have a special task for them."
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"No one can control Brazil directly once he is in-side to the Well. But if we
hold this Mavra Chang, se-cretly, outside the Well, while I or one of us
enters with him, that is just as good."
"But what if, once inside, he merely wills himself to find her and free her?"
Zilchet asked dubiously.
"I seriously doubt whether any mind, even a Markovian, could pick out an
individual on the Well World without knowing her location, captors, or status.
I think Brazil could easily create a race, but not change a mind unless he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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