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 the anger was turning to heartbreak,   I thought we were supposed to be partners. In everything.
 We are. I never meant to leave you permanently. I d have come back when I finished the task. It
must have sounded a meagre thing even to the man who said it.
 But I didn t know how long that was going to be, did I? It was worse than you being dead. No, I
mean it. Jonty shifted his gaze so he wouldn t have to look at the combined shock and pain in his lover s
eyes.  The not knowing drove me mad.
 I m so sorry. So sorry.
Jonty kept his eyes cast down, sure that Orlando would retreat into his shell again, the little world of
misery he d woven about himself. Instead, he felt cold hands on his shoulders and then a kiss on his head. It
was probably the most contact they dared risk chambermaids could breeze in unannounced if the mood
took them and it unmanned Jonty completely.  You big chump. I love you so much and you re such an
idiot. He reached up, briefly caressed Orlando s head then touched his hand.  Well, we re together again
now, and unless you want me to bind you hand and foot for the rest of your life you re going to have to
swear never to do such an idiotic thing ever again.
 I promise. I don t think I could ever again endure the sort of misery I ve gone through these last few
days. Orlando looked defeated.  I ll take some of that medicine, and then we can face this Patterson
fellow tomorrow.
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Chapter Twelve
There appeared to be an awful lot of wall to the Patterson estate and every yard of it seemed to lie
between Jonty and Orlando and the gatehouse, if there even was such a place. Orlando felt they must have
traversed three and a quarter of the four sides before they suddenly stumbled on the entrance, set back from
the road and almost impossible to spot unless you were in front of it. The big house could just be seen,
tantalising glimpses through the trees, as if the Pattersons wanted to hide themselves from view of the
It would have been easy to read too much into that apparent desire for concealment, to imagine it was
linked to hiding away dark family secrets. Orlando wasn t going to raise his hopes too high.
 Sir Edward Patterson might not even know about your grandmother. Jonty strode along at his
friend s side, quiet determination signalled by his every movement.
Orlando looked sidelong at his lover. How on earth could I have been so stupid as to leave him
behind? How would I have faced this challenge on my own? He shook himself, as if to shake off the guilty
thoughts.  I kept my letter to Sir Edward deliberately vague an enquiry about the Patterson family history
and their connection to Oxford University. I just hope he s here today.
Jonty stopped, spinning on his heels.  You hope he s here? Don t you have a firm appointment?
 No. Orlando started walking again, keeping his eyes fixed on the path.  I said I would be travelling
and so he couldn t easily contact me. I would take my chances& 
 Stop this minute. Jonty caught his lover s arm.  So, for all we know we ll get there and Sir Edward
will have gone off travelling to the continent like everyone in the White City case seems to be doing. Have
you lost every shred of logic you possessed?
 I couldn t sit in London waiting for a reply. I would have gone absolutely insane. Orlando faced his
friend.  You have no idea what this not knowing is like.
 I do know. Jonty s voice was quiet, almost menacing.  Those evenings at school, wondering if
tonight was going to be another one of those nights. He shivered.  I know what it s like to be sitting,
helpless, in a haze of insecurity. That s why you should have had me with you I m the only one who
really understands.
Orlando couldn t have spoken, even if he d been able to think of anything to say. Silence proved the
best course anyway, Jonty s natural loquaciousness always keen to fill the vacuum.
Charlie Cochrane
 Still, if we re going to discuss the manifold ways in which you re an idiot we ll spend the rest of our
lives rooted here. Jonty walked on.  We ll assume Sir Edward is present and agrees to see us. You
mention your grandmother and he s stunned, yet it may not be all bad. No one might have told him he had
an aunt he might even be grateful to find out about her.
 And to find out about my father? At least there should be no issues about me being a putative heir
there are plenty of Pattersons who would stand to inherit before me. Orlando took a swipe at a branch.
 Your not being the long-lost heir come to disenfranchise everyone should make it easier. Assuming
it s the right family. Jonty stopped again. They d come in full view of the house now, the late summer sun
glinting off pristine paintwork and brightly polished windows.  It s an awfully big assumption.
 I don t think that s what I wanted to hear at this point. Orlando fought the impulse to turn straight
around and go home. Suddenly Forsythia Cottage was the one place on earth he wanted to be.  Come on,
we ve got to know, one way or the other. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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