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going to get his wish 
 Yes!  Tsion exulted.
 And, Chloe, I don't have the energy to fight over whether you're going.
 Then let's not fight. I'm going.
 Oh, no! Tsion said.  You must not! You are not nearly up to it.
 Tsion! It's not for another month. By then I'll 
 Another month? Tsion said.  Why so long? I am ready now. I must go soon. The
people are clamoring for it, and I believe God wants me there.
 We're concerned about security, Tsion, Buck said.  A month will also allow
us to get as many of the witnesses there as possible from around the world.
 But a month!
 Works for me, Chloe said.  I'll be walking on my own by then.
Buck shook his head.
Tsion was already in his own world.  You do not need to worry about security,
Cameron. God will protect me. He will protect the witnesses. I do not know
about other believers. I know they are sealed, but I do not know yet if they
are also supernaturally protected during this time of harvest.
 If God can protect you, Chloe said,  he can protect me.
Buck said,  Chloe, you know I have your best interest at heart. I'd love for
you to go. I never miss you more than when I'm away from you in Jerusalem.
 Then tell me why I can't go.
 I would never forgive myself if something happened to you. I can't risk it.
 I'm just as vulnerable here, Buck. Every day is a risk. Why are we allowed to
risk your life and not mine?
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Buck had no answer. He scrambled for one.  Hattie will be that much closer to
her delivery date. She'll need you. And what about our child?
 I won't even be showing by then, Buck. I'll be three months along. You're
going to need me. Who's going to handle logistics? I'll be communicating with
thousands of people on the Internet, arranging these meetings. It only makes
sense that I show up.
 You haven't answered the Hattie question.
 Hattie's more independent than I am. She would want me to go. She can take
care of herself.
Buck was losing, and he knew it. He looked away, unwilling to give in so soon.
Yes, he was being protective.  It's just that I so recently nearly lost you.
 Listen to yourself, Buck. I knew enough to get out of that house before it
crushed me. You can't blame that flying roof on me.
 We'll see how healthy you are in a few weeks.
 I'll start packing.
 Don't jump to conclusions.
 Don't parent me, Buck. Seriously, I don't have a problem submitting to you
because I know how much you love me. I'm willing to obey you even when you're
wrong. But don't be unreasonable. And don't be wrong if you don't have to be.
You know I'm going to do what you say, and I'll even get over it if you make
me miss out on one of the greatest events in history. But don't do it out of
some old-
fashioned, macho sense of protecting the little woman. I'll take this pity and
help for just so long, and then I want back in the game full-time. I thought
that was one of the things you liked about me.
It was. Pride kept him from agreeing right then. He'd give it a day or two and
then tell her he'd come to a decision. Her eyes were boring into his. It was
clear she was eager to win this one. He tried to stare her down and lost. He
glanced at Tsion.
 Listen to her, Tsion said.
 You keep out of it, Buck said, smiling.  I don't need to be ganged up on. I
thought you were on my side. I thought you would agree that this was no place
 For what? Chloe said.  A girl? The 'little woman'? An injured, pregnant
Am I still a member of the Tribulation Force, or have I been demoted to mascot
Buck had interviewed heads of state easier than this.
 You can't defend this one, Buck, she added.
 You want to just pin me while I'm down, Buck said.
 I won't say another word, she said.
Buck chuckled.  That'll be the day.
 If you two chauvinists will excuse me, I want to try Hattie again. We're
going to have a telephone meeting of the weak sister club.
Buck flinched.  Hey! You weren't going to say another word.
 Well then get out of here so you don't have to listen.
 I need to call Ritz anyway. When you reach Hattie, be sure and find out what
name she was admitted under there.
Buck went to follow Tsion up the stairs, but Chloe called out to him.
 C'mere a minute, big guy. He turned to face her. She beckoned him closer.
 C'mon, she said. She lifted her arm, the one with the cast from shoulder to
wrist, and hooked him with it behind the neck. She pulled his face to hers and
kissed him long and hard. He pulled back and smiled shyly.  You're so easy,
she whispered.
 Who loves ya, baby? he said, heading for the stairs again.
 Hey, she said,  if you see my husband up there, tell him I'm tired of
sleeping alone.
Rayford listened through the bugging device as Peter Mathews and Leon
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