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The filling mixture. Cook the sweetbreads in water with pepper and salt, till done, skin them and cut in dice.
Prepare a good bechamel sauce, seasoned with the juice of a lemon, and add to it a few mushrooms that have
been fried in butter. Heat the dice of sweetbread in this sauce and fill the cases with it. Put them back in the
oven to get quite hot.
Clean two big carrots and cut them into small pieces, the same for two turnips, four leeks, two celeries, and a
good green cabbage, only using the pale leaves. Wash all these vegetables well in running water, two or three
times, and put them on the fire in three and one-half pints of water. Add salt, and let it cook for an hour. At
the end of this time, add a good piece of pork weighing perhaps three pounds--for choice let it be cutlets.
You can also add a pig's trotter. Let it cook for another hour, taking care that the meat remains below the
water. At the end of that time, and half-an-hour before you wish to eat it, add potatoes enough to be three for
each person. Watch the cooking so as to see that the potatoes do not stick, and finish the seasoning with
pepper and salt.
[Georges Kerckaert.]
Cut your beef into small neat pieces. Mince some onions finely, and for five or six people you would add two
bay-leaves, two cloves, pepper, salt; simmer gently for three hours in water, and at the end of that time bind
the sauce with cornflour. Some people like the sauce to be thickened instead with mustard.
[_V. Verachtert._]
Take two pounds of beef, which must be lean and cut in thin slices. Cut your slices of beef in pieces of five
inches by three. Put in the middle of each piece a little square of very fat bacon, a sprig of parsley, pepper and
salt. Roll up the slices and tie them round with a thread so that the seasoning remains inside. Melt in a pan a
lump of butter the size of a very big egg. Let it get brown and then, after rolling the beef in flour, put them in
the butter. Let them cook thus for five minutes, add half a pint of water, and let them simmer for two hours.
Fill up with water if it becomes too dry. Before serving, take great care to remove the threads.
[_A Belgian at Droitwich._]
Take two pounds of mutton, the breast or one of the inferior parts will do as well as a prime piece. Put in an
earthenware pan a lump of butter as big as an egg, and let it color. Cut the mutton in pieces and let them color
in the butter, adding salt and pepper, a few onions or shallots. When all is colored, add at least a pound of
turnips, cut in slices, with about a pint of water. Let it boil up till the turnips are tender. Then add two and
one-half or three pounds of potatoes; salt and pepper these, but in moderation, if the meat has been already
salted and peppered. Add some thyme and bay-leaves, and let them all cook very gently till the potatoes are
tender. When these are cooked, take out the pieces of meat, mix the turnips and potatoes, so as to make a
uniform mixture; then place the meat on the top of the mixture, and serve it. _N.B._ It is necessary to watch
the cooking of this dish very carefully, so that you can add a little water whenever it becomes necessary, for if
one leaves the preparation a little too dry it quickly burns.
[_A Belgian at Droitwich._]
(For eight or nine persons)
Take one pound beef, one pound salt pork, and one pound mutton; cut into pieces about three inches by two,
let it boil, and skim. Take two or three carrots, one large turnip, one large head of celery, three or four leeks, a
good green cabbage, cut in four, the other vegetables cut into pieces of moderate size, not too small; put them
in with the meat, and see that they are first covered by the water. Let it boil for three to four hours, and three
quarters of an hour before dishing, add some potatoes cut in pieces.
To dish: Place the meat in the center of a flat dish, and the vegetables around; serve the liquid in a
soup-tureen. This dish should be eaten out of soup plates, as it is soup and meat course at one time.
Make a thick white sauce, and when it has grown a little cold, add the yolk of one egg, and a few drops of
lemon-juice. Sprinkle in a slice of stale bread, and enough grated cheese to flavor it strongly, and leave it to
cool for two hours. Then shape into small pieces like corks, dip them into the beaten whites of your egg, and
then into grated breadcrumbs. Have ready some hot fat, or lard, and fry the cheese-balls in it till they are
[_Mme. Limpens._]
Take a roll and, cutting it in slices, remove the crusts so that a round of crumbs remain. Butter each slice, and
cover it well with grated cheese, building up the slices one on the top of the other. Boil a cupful of milk, with
pepper, salt, and a little nutmeg; when boiled, pour it over the bread till it is well soaked. Put them in the oven,
for quarter of an hour, according to the heat of the oven and the quantity you have. You must pour its juice
over it every now and then, and when the top is turning into a crust, serve it.
[_Mme. Limpens._]
Take two good soup-spoonfuls of flour, and mix it with half a teacupful of milk; melt a lump of butter, the
size of a filbert, and add that, then enough grated cheese to your taste, and the yolks of four eggs. Add at the
last the whites of the four eggs, beaten stiffly; pepper and salt. Butter a mold, put in your mixture, and let it
cook for one hour in a saucepan, surrounded with boiling water, and the lid on. Then turn out the soufflé, and
serve with a mushroom sauce. The sauce is a good white sauce, to which you add already cooked mushrooms.
Clean them first of all, chop them, and cook them till tender in butter; and their own juice; then throw them
into the sauce, and pour it over your soufflé.
[_Mme. Vandervalle._]
Make a thick bechamel sauce, and be sure that you cook it for ten minutes, constantly stirring. Add, till well
flavored, some Gruyère and Parmesan cheese, mixed and grated. Let it all get cold. Then roll this mixture into
the shape of carrots; roll them in finely-grated breadcrumbs, and fry them in hot lard or refined fat. Lay them
on a hot dish, and, at the thicker end of each carrot stick in a sprig of parsley to look like the stalk.
[_Mme. van Marcke de Lunessen._]
CHEESE FONDANTS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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