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face to face. Pretty crazy, huh?
Her mother chuckled.  This certainly is an unusual time we re living in.
 I think it s a wonderful time, said Gregory.  But then, anytime is wonderful if you know how to make
the most out of it.
 That s very wise.
Beneath the table, Linda reached over and squeezed his knee. He laid a hand over hers.
She doubted she d ever be able to tell her mother, or anyone else, the real story of how they had met.
No one would ever believe it. Even now, she sometimes woke up and wondered if it had been a dream,
or if she d imagined the whole strange experience. Then she d roll over and touch the solid warmth of
Gregory s body and know that, impossible as it seemed, it really had happened. They had been given the
gift -- the incredible, precious gift -- of a lifetime together.
As she thought about it, a wave of gratitude and love swept over her. Tears welled in her eyes.
 Linda? Gregory leaned close.  Are you all right?
 I m fine. She smiled and blinked away her tears.  Wonderful, actually. She stared into his dark eyes
and sent a silent thanks to the unknown power that had given her life back to her.
For a moment, she felt something on the edge of her consciousness, a touch of warmth, as if that power
had heard and responded& but it was gone so quickly, she couldn t be sure.
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Amanda Steiger
Amanda Steiger has lived in the Midwest her whole life, though she enjoys regular visits to other galaxies
and dimensions in her mind. She enjoys cold weather, daydreaming, supernatural romance, and anime.
She lives with her family and one very spoiled little dog. You can contact her at sekuiro@comcast.net. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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