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too often when the person practicing invocations does not prepare and protect properly.
Channeling without protection can be dangerous and all too often attracts the wrong entity. This state
of affairs is not helped by the naive way in which so many metaphysically inclined people believe
anything told them which is the result of channeling. A stupid being does not become wise merely by
dying, nor does a malicious being become benevolent. Logical thinking is needed more in
metaphysical matters than in everyday affairs. Runes are such that their impact via invocation can
easily be modified and limited to what is desirable.
Contrary to popular belief, the process of evocation is harmless. The evocative energies becoming
invocative can be the threat to the practitioner who did not know how to protect himself.
In evocation, the energies or entities evoked manifest outside the practitioner. This situation permits
the triggering of immensely powerful energies. If these energies become invocative, i.e. if they invade
the "circle of protection" then the practitioner may become overcharged. This is a potentially
dangerous situation, and can lead to states of possession, because energies of a high order have a
dimension of personification. In extreme circumstances the physical death of the unprotected
practitioner could occur.
To avoid such problems with evocations, the practitioner has to have knowledge of a specific
determinism and of the structure of the magical universe. To access the evocative meanings of Runes
or of any symbolism, you need to become familiar with the processes of evocation and invocation.
Our severe caution about the dangers of these processes is to be understood in the same spirit as
cautions against the dangers of driving a powerful car. Nobody considers giving up driving and its
benefits because of the very real dangers involved. Instead, they learn how to drive, and when driving
they drive with care.
The energy or entity, which has been drawn by an evocative process, can increase its power almost
indefinitely, since the problem of overcharging the body of the practitioner does not arise. The only
limit of the magician in this case is the limit of his or her power of imagination and visualization.
Whoever is the better mathematician will be the stronger magician. By mathematics, we mean a
higher kind of mathematics than the academic one: a mathematics that encompasses the higher levels
of existence. The recognition of significant patterns is still a basic feature, as it is in ordinary
In any use of Runes, the two principles of evocation and invocation are involved. There is no act,
which does not involve both principles, to some extent. The situation is analogous to the commercial
act of buying and selling. They always go together, although it is possible to study each function
Invocation and Evocation
The strength of the Rune magician is the ability to intensify the evocative dimension of Rune
experience as well as the capabilities of the body at all levels, physical, astral, and so forth. This
increases automatically the intensity of the invocation involved and the result is a speeding up of the
evolutionary process, which enables the magician to draw nearer to the goal of passing through tens
of thousands of years of evolution in a few lifetimes.
When you begin to practice Runes, you will do so in the invocative mode. You tap into the Rune
realms and you draw Rune energies into yourself, into your inner Rune Realm. As soon as you
establish your outer Rune Realm then you bring in the evocative dimension, However even though
you will learn how to project Runes for healing and to draw specific circumstances, the beginning
practice will be in the main invocative.
Once you have experienced Runes as a symbolism, then you are ready for the more evocative
dimensions of Runes. In fact most of your work after that point will emphasize the evocative
You draw Runes from the realms of creation. Then you project them through your outer Rune Realm
into your universe. The stronger the evocative dimension, the greater the success of your Magical
operation will be.
Rune Magic is hyper physics in its strongest form. It is a method that operates from planes invisible to
the physical eye: and it acts upon the material, tangible universe. Therefore, Runes allow you to do
things that you cannot do with "mind power," "mind control," and similar techniques.
With Runes, you can have impact upon your surroundings, and you can cause changes in your inner [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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