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Satan. We say that the voice of the silence never says atrocities. It is perfect. The voice of
Satan only says perversities. In the abyss, the black magicians take up the figure of our
friends , and say and do horrible things before the initiate. If the initiate lets himself be
deceived by these tenebrous beings, he then becomes a slanderer of others. Slander is
worse than stealing.
Slandering initiates sink into the abyss. Slandering initiates lose their degrees arid
initiations. In other words, they fall.
Initiates who in remote ages were demons of the abyss are now marvelous; they no
longer let themselves be deceived by the tenebrous ones; they know the demons very
well. Those types of initiates cannot be deceived by any tenebrous one; they know what
the abyss is. They are profound experts in that area. They know very well the Tree of the
Science of Good and Evil. Initiates who did not know the abyss in ancient times, are now
naive victims of the tenebrous ones. Those types of initiates are easily deceived by the
tenebrous ones. Those initiates become slanderers of their fellowmen. Those initiates
vociferate against others and they fall into the abyss. In order to be Gods, we have to
know completely the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil.
Hypocritical Pharisees sat down in the cathedral of Christ.
The blind leading the blind; they will all fall into the abyss.
We knew a hypocritical Pharisee who rejected the sacred wine because the grapes had
fermented. Someone hosted him in his home and he indignantly fled from this house
because the owners of the house ate meat. That perverse Pharisee was a horrible black
magician. Hypocritical Pharisees!  Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in
at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which
proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of
the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness,
blasphemies: (Matthew, 15: 17, 18, 19 and 20).  And the Lord said unto him, Now do
ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full
of ravening and wickedness. The venerable Master Litelantes was criticized by the
Pharisees because she ate meat. She responded,  First I will correct my defects and after
I have corrected them, 1 will then stop eating meat. The Pharisees then turned furious
against this great guru of the Law.
Many hypocritical Pharisees hate us because we condemn crime. They say that we hate;
this is how they erroneously judge us, because we are not complacent with whores.
The state of many spiritualists is shameful; it is painful to see them discussing and
arguing about things of which they have no consciousness. They talk about karma and
they have never conversed with a Master of Karma. They intellectually discuss the
The Greater Mysteries Samael Aun Weor
Cosmos, and they do not know how to come out in the astral body. They have never
personally conversed with an angel. They only argue because they have read, arid that is
all. What is most serious is that they believe that they know.
Poor people... and that pride they have.., they are worthy of pity.
We have known powerful enlightened Masters who have never read a book. We have
also known great intellectual spiritualists who are totally ignorant, but who are certainly
full of pride. The spiritualist sisters who have read a great deal are even worse; they are
full of a frightening vanity. It is shameful to see them, how they speak, how they argue
about things that they have never seen. They speak about reincarnation but they do not
remember their past lives. They speak about karma, but they have never visited a tribunal
of karma. They discuss cosmogenesis, but they have never consciously attended the
dawning of a world in formation, in the astral body. They speak with authority about
what they have not seen and they then, full of pride, sit down in their comfortable living
room armchairs.
Normally, these sisters end up adoring sublime, long-bearded and long-haired impostors.
Other times, they become mediums and end up being famous reincarnations; they all
become Marie Aritoinettes, or Joan of Arc, or Mary Magdalenes; not one of them wants
to be insignificant, they are all  famous .
The authentic enlightened masters never go around saying it.
The true disciples arid Masters are those who know how to consciously travel in the
astral body. The brothers and sisters who remember their past lives and who can astrally
attend the mystery temples, are true enlightened beings. They never go around saying it;
they are the ones who really know.
Those who know how to come out in the astral body, those who know how to settle their
accounts in the tribunals of karma, those who receive the teachings directly in the
mystery temples, those who remember their past reincarnations, those persons really do
know, even if they have never read a book of occultism. Even if they are nothing but poor
illiterates in the world, even if they are nothing but poor cooks, or primitive Indians,
those are the people who really know.
We knew two powerful enlightened beings who were totally illiterate. One was a
primitive Indian of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (Colombia). The other was the
powerful guru Litelantes, a great Master of Cosmic Justice. Those two powerful initiates
enjoy the privilege of possessing continuous consciousness. In similar privileged
conditions, these two initiates possess teachings that could never be written down,
because they would be profaned if they were written down.
The great intellectuals who knew these two gurus, looked at them with disdain, because
these initiates did not talk like parrots, because they were not full of sanctimoniousness,
because they were not intellectuals, because they did not go around telling their esoteric
We have known others who only sporadically awaken consciousness, from time to time.
Those persons are nothing but mere beginners in these matters. What is important is to
possess continuous consciousness in the astral plane; that is why we have given exercises
and clues in this book.
The Greater Mysteries Samael Aun Weor
The one who does not know how to consciously come out in the astral body, does not
know occultism.
To read books of occultism, or to beautifully theorize, is done by anyone.
To have conscious awareness of occult wisdom, is something else.
True occult wisdom is studied in the internal worlds.
The one who does not know how to come out into the astral world, does not know
The Greater Mysteries Samael Aun Weor
Chapter 8
 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and
measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. (Revelation,
That reed is our spinal column. Along that reed there is a canal and through it ascends the
fire of the holy Spirit from our sexual organs. That Pentecostal fire resembles an ardent
and terribly divine serpent. What is important is to know how to love the woman. What is
important is to withdraw from the sexual act without spilling the semen. This is how the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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