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Hancock Building. Steve pointed to the tower.
"You see that beacont '.' ' broadcasts the weather.' ' can a beacon ...
T I ''m glad you asked. When the light is a steady blue, it means the
weather is clear. If it's a flashing blue, you can expect clouds to be
near. A steady red means rain ahead, and flashing red, snow instead.'
Julia laughed. They reached the Harvard Bridge. Steve slowed down. ' is
the bridge that links Boston and Cambridge. It's exactly three hundred,
sixty-four point four Smoots and one ear long.' Julia turned to stare at
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him.,'I beg your pardon'T Steve grinned,. ''s true.' ''s a Smooff '
Smoot is a measurement using the body of Oliver Reed Smoot, who was-
five feet seven inches. It started as a joke, but when the city rebuilt
the bridge, they kept the marks. The Smoot became a standard of length
in 1958.' 301 She laughed. ''s incredible!' As they passed the Bunker
Hill, Monument, Julia exclaimed, "Oh! That's where the battle of Bunker
Hill took place, isn't iff '," Steve said. ' do you mean?' ' battle of
Bunker Hill was fought on Breed's Hill.' Steve's home was in the Newbury
Street area of Boston, a charming two-storey house with comfortable
furniture and colorful prints hanging on the walls. ' you live here
alonet Julia asked. '. I have a housekeeper who comes in twice a week.
I'm going to tell her not to come in for the next few days. I don't want
anyone to know you're here." Julia looked at Steve and said warmly, '
want you to know I really appreciate what you're doing for me.' '
pleasure. Come on, I'll show you your bedroom.' He led her upstairs to
the guest room. ' is it. I hope you'll be comfortable.' ', yes. It's
lovely,' Julia said. ''ll bring in some groceries. I usually eat out.' '
could -' she stopped.
"On second thought, I'd better not. My roommate says my cooking is
lethal.' ' think I'm a rair hand at a stove,' Steve said. ''ll do some
cooking for us.' He looked at her and said slowly, ' haven't had anyone
to cook for for a while.' 302 hf-;,'-Back off, he told himself. You're
way off base. You couldn't keep her in handkerchiefs. ' want you to make
yourself at home. You'll be completely safe here.' She looked at him a
long time, then smiled. ' you., They went back downstairs.
Steve pointed out the amenities. ', VCR, radio, CD player ... you'll be
comfortable.' ''s wonderful.' She wanted to say, ' like Ifeel with you.'
', if there's nothing else,' he said awkwardly.
Julia gave him a warm smile. ' can't think of anything.' ' I'll be
getting back to the office. I have a lot of questions without answers."
She watched him walk toward the door. '?' He turned around. ' "Is it all
right if I call my roommate? She'll be worried about me.' He shook his
head. ' not. I don't want you to make any telephone calls or leave this
house. Your life may depend on it."
Chapter Twenty-eight.
"I'm Dr. Westin. Do you understand that this conversation is going to
be tape-recordedt ', doctor.' ' you feeling calmer nowt ''m calm, but
I'm angry.' ' are you angry aboutt ' shouldn't be in this place. I'm not
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crazy. I've been framed.' '? Who framed yout ' Stanford.' ' Tyler
Stanfordt ''s right.' ' would he want to do thatt ' money.' ' you have
moneyt '. I mean, yes ... that is ... I could have had it. He promised
me a million dollars, and a sable coat, and jewelry.' ' would Judge
Stanford promise you thatt ' me start at the beginning. I'm not really
Julia Stanford. My name is Margo Posner.' 304 .,'When you came in here,
you insisted you were Julia Stanford.' ' that. I'm really not. Look
here's what happened. Judge Stanford hired me to pose as his sister.' '
did he do thatt ' I could get a share of the Stanford estate and turn it
over to him.' ' for doing that he promised you a million dollars, a
sable coat, and some jewelryt ' don't believe me, do you? Well, I can
prove it. He took me to Rose Hill. That's where the Stanford family
lives in Boston. I can describe the house to you, and I can tell you all
about the family.' ''re aware that these are very serious charges you're
making?' ' bet I am. But I suppose you won't do anything about it
because he happens to be a judge.' ''re quite wrong. I assure you that
your charges will be very thoroughly investigated.' '! I want the
bastard locked away the same way he has me locked away. I want out of
here!' ' understand that besides my examination, two of my colleagues
also will have to evaluate your mental statet ' them. I'm as sane as you
are.' '. Gifford will be in this afternoon, and then we'll decide how
we're; going to proceed.' 305 ' sooner the better. I can't stand this
damned place!' When the matron brought'Margo her lunch, the matron said,
' just talked to Dr. Gifford. He'll be here in an hour.' ' you.' Margo
was ready for him. She was ready for all of them. She was going to tell
them everything she knew, from the very beginning. And when rm through,
Margo thought, they're going to lock him up and let me go. The thought
filled her with s atisfaction. I'll be free! And then Margo thought, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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