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of her fingertips started inside. "Well, I'm not trusting anything to luck. Either you resign from my detail, or
I don't want anything to do with you beyond our daily briefings."
Cam leaned forward and brushed her lips over the tip of Blair's shoulder. "No," she said very softly.
Blair ignored the swift stab of desire that raced through her. "I'm sorry?" she managed, her voice cold.
"No," Cam repeated, moving her mouth a fraction of an inch closer to the base of Blair's neck. She was
leaning over her now, her breasts brushing lightly against Blair's bare arm. She felt her nipples stiffen
beneath her T-shirt and knew that Blair could feel them too.
"It's not about sex," Blair said harshly, all too aware of the fire burning hotter every second. She was
shaking lightly, her skin alive to Cam's touch.
Cam took Blair's hand and pressed it to her chest. Her heart pounded against Blair's palm.
"Neither is this," Cam whispered. "I've tried so hard not to want you. I've tried so hard not to need you.
I can't help it. I can't stop it. We didn't choose this, either of us. I can't walk away from it. I can't walk
away from loving you, and I can't walk away from doing what I know how to do to keep you safe.
Please don't ask me to."
Blair turned her face away, struggling to resist the pull of Cam's words and the sweet seduction of her
touch. "I don't want you to love me," she protested, her voice breaking.
Cam pressed her lips to the hollow of Blair's throat. "Yes," she said very softly as she reached under the
sheet and gently cupped Blair's breast, "you do."
Blair moaned and arched her back, unable to control the surge of desire. "Damn you, Cameron." But the
fine edge of longing was clear in her voice.
"Blair," Cam murmured, nudging the sheet aside. She moved her lips over Blair's chest, found her nipple,
and pulled it carefully between her lips. She sucked it slowly as it grew hard and tight, then bit lightly,
making Blair groan. She was hard too, and wet, and a pulse pounded demandingly between her thighs.
She sat back, gasping with sudden urgency. "Help me get my clothes off."
Blair forced herself to focus through a haze of arousal and saw Cam struggling to pull the T-shirt off
one-handed. "Here," she said quickly, sitting forward. "Let me do that."
She carefully worked the fabric down over the bandage on Cam's arm, then directed Cam to stand up,
reaching for the ties on the sweatpants. When Cam kicked free of her clothes, Blair caught her uninjured
hand and pulled Cam down beside her on the bed. She ran her hand along the length of Cam's body,
over her abdomen, down her thigh and back up the inside of her leg.
Cam lifted her hips, breathing rapidly. "You're distracting me again."
Blair ran her fingertips through the thick wet heat between Cam's legs, her breath catching in her throat
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as her own body clenched in response. "I like distracting you," she murmured.
Cam made an effort to move on top of her and gasped sharply as she pushed up on her injured arm.
"What is it?" Blair asked quickly.
"Just my arm," Cam replied, attempting to direct Blair back onto the pillows with her other hand.
"Lie back, Cam," Blair said firmly. As she spoke, she took Cam's shoulders gently and pushed her
down. "Let me."
Cam did not protest. She was still tingling from Blair's brief caress, and she was more than ready for
more. "I actually enjoy being distracted," she admitted softly.
Blair laughed quietly and fit herself between Cam's legs, stopping briefly to press her cheek to Cam's
breast and brush her lips over her nipple before kissing her way slowly down Cam's abdomen.
Cam closed her eyes with a sigh, a long, low sigh of surrender.
She lifted her hips as Blair's palms pressed against her thighs, opening her; and she arched her back, her
muscles tightening, as Blair's lips closed on her; and she caught back a groan, trembling, as Blair's tongue
tormented her. Blair's tender, knowing touch banished the pain and the fatigue and the worry.
"You are so good," Cam whispered faintly, her fingers trailing through Blair's hair. She was very close
and desperate not to come. "So good."
Blair answered by massaging the spot that made Cam's muscles quiver and quickened her pace, drawing
a sharp gasp from Cam. She felt Cam twitch under her tongue and knew she was there. Blair slipped an
arm around her and pulled her close, knowing as she took her with her mouth and her hands and her
heart, the simple truth of it.
There was no stopping, no turning back, for either of them. Not now. Not the next day. Not ever.
Chapter twenty-nine
It was almost dawn when Cam left Blair's room. Savard, who had not yet been replaced by someone
from the day shift, looked toward Cam as she stepped into the hallway.
Cam walked over to her and stood by her side. Their eyes met as she asked, "Anything to report, Agent
"No, ma'am. It was a very quiet night."
"Nothing out of the ordinary then?" Cam asked again. She had a feeling that if Renee Savard had a
problem, she'd deal with it out in the open, face to face, and not in some report sent to DC in a sealed
folder. And if Renee Savard had a problem with her, Camwanted it out in the open. There was too much [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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