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of the other.
9. Rajju. - This indicates the strength or duration of married life and therefore it merits special
attention. The 27 constellations have been grouped into five types of Rajju.
Padarajju. - Aswini, Aslesha, Makha, Jyeshta. Moola. Revati.
Katirajju. - Bharani, Pushyami, Pubba, Anuradha, Poorvashadha, Uttarabhadra.
Nabhi or Udararajju. - Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttara, Visakha, Uttarashadha, Poorvabhadra.
Kantarajju. - Rohini, Aridra Hasta. Swati. Sravana, and Satabhisha.
Sirorajju. - Dhanishta, Chitta and Mrigasira.
The Janma Nakshatras of the couple should not fall in the same rajju. If they fall in Sira
(head) husband's death is likely; if in Kantha (neck) the wife may die; if in Udara (stomach)
the children may die; if in KatI (waist) poverty may ensue; and if in Pada (foot) the couple may
be always wandering. Hence, it is desirable that the boy and the girl have constellations
belonging to different rajjus or groups.
10. Vedha. - This means affliction. Certain constellations are capable of affecting or afflicting
certain other constellations situated at particular distances from them; For instance, Aswini is
said to cause Vedha to 18th constellation (viz., Jyeshta) from it; Bharani to the 16th (viz.,
Anuradha) and so on. The following pairs of constellations affect each other and, therefore,
no marriage should be brought about between a boy and girl whos Janma Nakshatras belong
to the same pair unless the are other relieving factors.
Aswini and Jyeshta; Bharani and Anuradha; Krittika and Visakha; Rohini and Swati; Aridra
and Sravana Punarvasu and Uttarashadha; Pusayami and Poorvashadha; Aslesha and
Moola; Makha and Revati; Pubba and Uttarabhadra; Uttara and Poorvabhadra; Hasta and
Satabhisha, Mrigasira and Dhanishta. In our example, the constellations of the couple
(Mrigasira and Dhanishta) belong to the prohibited pair and hence Vedhakuta is absent.
11. Varna. - This seems to signify the degree of spiritual or ego development of the marrying
partners. Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer represent the highest development - Brahmin; Leo,
Sagittarius and Libra indicate the second grade - or Kshatriya; Aries, Gemini and Aquarius
suggest the third or the Vaisya; while Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn indicate the last grade,
viz., Sudra. A girl belonging fo a higher grade of spiritual development should not be mated to
a boy of lesser development. The vice verse or both belonging to the same grade or degree
is allowed.
The unit of agreement is 1.
12. Nadi Kuta. - This is considered to be the most important and at the same time the most
significant Kuta. In Sanskrit, Nadi means several things but in reference to astrology, it
signifies pulse or nervous energy indicating the physiological and to a certain extent
hereditary factors. The Hindu medical works enumerate three Nadis or humours, viz., Vatha
(wind), Pitha (bile) and Sleshma (phlegm). A boy with a predominantly windy or phlegmatic or
bilious constitution should not marry a girl of the same type. The girl should belong to a
different temperament. The three Nadis are ruled by the different constellations as follows: -
Vata Pitha Sleshma
Aswini Bharani Krittika
Aridra Mrigasira Rohini
Punarvasu Pushyami Aslesha
Uttara Pubba Makha
Hasta Chitta Swati
Jyeshta Anuradha Visakha
Moola Poorvashadha Uttarasnadha
Satabhisha Dhanishta Sravana
Poorvabhadra Uttarabhadra Revati
If the constellation of the boy and girl fall in different rows, then agreement between the
couple will be good. They should not fall in the middle. Stars of the couple may fall in the first
and the last line undercertain circumstances.
If Nadi Kuta is not present on the basis of the Nakshatras, then the same may be reckoned
taking into account the Nakshatra Padas. Thus, the different quarters will be governed by the
three humours (Nadis) thus:
Aswini 1 Aswini 2 Aswini 3
Bharani 2 Bharani 1 Aswini 4
Bharani 3 Bharani 4 Krittika 1
Krittika 4 Krittika 3 Krittika 2
Rohini 1 Rohini 2 Rohini 3
Beginning from Aswini 1, the counting should be done forwards and backwards in threes as
given above.
The unit ascribed for this Kuta is 8.
In the example considered above, both the constellations fall in the middle line and hence
Nadi Kuta is completely absent.
Appendix 1 gives a table for measuring the agreement units. In the first column (longitudinal)
the constellations of the bride are given.
In the first horizontal column, the boy's nakshatra is given. Take the figure in the column
where the girl's and the boy's stars interesect. Suppose the boy's star is Mrigasira 1, the Rasi
being Taurus.
The girl's star is Satabhisha 2, Rasi being Kumbha. Running down our eye from Taurus,
Mrigasira 2 (horizontal first column) to the horizontal line of Satabhisha 4, Kumbha. we find
the figure 26.5 as the total units of agreement.
Special Considerations
We have dealt with above, fairly exhaustively, the question of marriage adaptability and the
importance of the various Kutas or physiological and psychological junctions in the human [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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