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take a lot of crap in his young life. It made him a bit grumpy, I'm afraid.
 A bit? Anaxantis said, raising his eyebrows.
 Father, the Firstborn of Ramaldah said reprovingly,  don't go and tell our business to
every passing stranger. In heaven's name, have some pride.
 Now, now, Obyann, His princehood is not just a passing stranger.
At that moment Bortram came into the room.
 Ah, good, you're still awake... Oh, am I interrupting something?
 No, no, Anaxantis said hastily, glad that reinforcements had arrived,  on the contrary.
You're just the man I need. Remember Hemarchidas getting a page?
 Do I remember? Bortram laughed out loud.  I can still see his face. Priceless. I thought
he was going to burst with indignation when you told him. The funniest thing I have seen in a
long, long time. I've never laughed so hard in 
 Well, I am glad you thought it was funny, because you're getting one too.
 Him. That angry little yelper there.
Anaxantis looked impassively at Bortram.
 No, no, no, no. Have you lost your mind, Anaxantis? I'm a farmer's son, and proud of it
too. Whoever heard of a farmer having a page?
 I don't care. We'll start a new tradition.
 What am I to do with him? He'll be in the way. Look at him. He's scrawny. He'll break.
 Now, now, good sir, I'll have you know that my son is a stout young lad, sir Eckfred
sprang to the defense of his only son and heir.
 See, father, he doesn't want me too, Obyann saw his chance,  and he's a stinking peas-
 Hey, watch your tongue, Bortram snapped.
 Then wash yourself every month or so. Man, I smelled you coming before I saw you,
Obyann retorted.  And you have a tear in your tunic too. Can't you repair that? Even I can do
 We do a lot ourselves, here in Ramaldah, your hightiness, his lordship explained for the
prince's benefit.
Anaxantis who began to despair that he would ever be able to lay down in his bed, tried to
expedite the matter.
 He will be your page, and that is final. And let him repair that tear.
 Anaxantis, be reasonable, I'm a farmer 
 Ha. A farmer? Obyann interrupted him.  I bet you can't even tell the difference between a
celery stalk and a turnip. Farmer, my shiny ass.
 See these hands, Bortram exploded. He waved his enormous hands in the face of the
young man, who wasn't in the least impressed and stood his ground.  I've helped bring
dozens upon dozens of calves into the world with them. I can easily help you out of the world
with them too.
Obyann snorted contemptibly.
 You're taking him, Anaxantis said to Bortram.
 You're doing this, sir Eckfred said to Obyann.
 OK, Obyann replied reluctantly.  But things will have to change, you hear, he grumbled
at Bortram.
 Just stay out of my way and we'll get along fine, Bortram growled back.
 Out, out, out, all of you, out, Anaxantis shouted in despair.  Take this minor war out of
my sleeping quarters. You two, make arrangements for tomorrow. And, in heaven's name,
make them somewhere else.
 Come, we'd better go, Bortram said to Obyann.  I know him. There's no reasoning with
him when he gets like this.
He lay one of his paws upon the young man's shoulder and started for the door.
 So, I noticed you serve a lot of celery here, he said.
 That's because we have lots and lots of the stuff. It's all father, you see. He crossbred dif-
ferent varieties and now our celery is the best in the world. Not prone to diseases and stays
fresh for ages. Brings tears to your eyes when you bite in a raw stalk... So, you really helped
deliver calves?
 Dozens upon dozens.
 Oh, I'd love to stick both my arms in a cow to help deliver a calf. Only thing is that the stu-
pid beasts around here seem to have a preference for giving birth in the middle of the night,
and father refuses to have me woken up for it.
 Well, it's kind of gross, you know, if you're not used to it.
 I've seen puppies being born, Obyann said indignantly.
They had reached the door and turned into the hallway. For a time their voices remained
clearly audible.
 Yeah, the thing is, cows are a lot bigger than bitches. But if you really want to... There are
a lot of farms around Lorseth and we are good customers. I bet if we ask nicely, we could find
a farmer who will let us watch.
 Really? Even in the middle of the night?
 Bah, your father will not be there, will he? And you can sleep a little longer to make up for
it. That's because I don't really need a page, you see?
 Yes you do. If only to tell you when it is time you washed yourself. Like now.
 Tell you what. Don't harass me, and I might teach you how to break a man's arm. How
does that sound?
 Really? Oh boy, that could come in useful with some of the peasants here, calling me
names and all. Like a certain Ruldo I know, a really ugly bugger for who a broken arm could
mean a big improvement in his appearance. So, tell me, that Landemere guy... he's a twat,
isn't he?
 Well, actually...
At that point they rounded a corner, and their voices became inaudible. Anaxantis let out a
long sigh.
 I think they'll be all right, the lord of Ramaldah said smilingly, after a few moments.
 Thank you, your mightiness. I know he's a handful, that son of mine.
 Do your peasants really call him a bastard behind his back? Anaxantis asked.  Why?
 Oh, because he is, of course. You must have seen it too. Me, big boned, round face,
large, black curly hair, kind of little pig eyes, a bit brutish, and he short, slender, oval face,
brownish eyes and straw blond hair?
 Eh, yes, Anaxantis said, regretting he had opened that particular can of worms,  I saw a
certain dissimilarity. But you know, sometimes...
Murno Tollbir would have a reasonable explanation, he was sure.
 Nonsense. You see, my good old father used to say,  Eckfred, my son, he said,  don't
marry for beauty or love. After a while you don't see the beauty anymore, and it fades away
quickly anyway. And frankly, love is a bore and fades away even quicker. Better find yourself
someone who has a soft disposition, who won't nag when you take another cup of wine and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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