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usual control freak who she hung out with.  So you and Kit, huh? And now you want
to ask Auntie Sim all about falling in love.
Stella sighed slightly. She wanted to know what Simone thought but she also knew
she would never hear the end of it.
 It s just a hypothetical question.
 Sure it is.
 Just shut up and answer.
 Okay, I knew I was in love because I could not imagine spending time with
anyone else. I liked that I could tell Peter anything and that he would listen and that he
made me laugh. I just knew if I needed anything he would be there and visa versa. And
the sex is not just sex, it is actually making love. Simone sighed contentedly. She was
happy with her life.  And let s just forget about the farewell sex I had with Kit.
 Yes, let s do that. Stella was jealous as hell when she thought about it.
 There is nothing about Peter that I do not love. I would do anything for him, Stel.
 Like break into museums and dealing with mad witches?
Simone laughed chuckled softly at her words. She knew there was something
strange about Kit s business but she had never been fussed enough about it to ask. She
took people on face value and she had liked Kit s face. The rest was irrelevant.
 Sure, I can t imagine either of those things happening. But yeah, I would do
whatever I had to for my man. The silence on the other end of the phone spoke
volumes to Simone.  So what are you going to do about Kit?
 I don t know. Stella was more confused than ever. All the things Simone
mentioned were the things that Stella felt about Kit. She wanted to be with him. He
made her feel safe and cherished. He made her smile. So what the hell was wrong with
 You know I knew it would be Kit for you when you walked in on us you were so
pissed. I could tell instantly that you were jealous.
 Possibly. Stella had been as jealous as hell. Had it just been the fact that a
gorgeous man was banging her best friend, or had been an instinctual feeling of
knowing who your mate for life was and not wanting them to be with someone else?
 And Kit was definitely interested in you.
 How do you know?
Thief of Mine
 He told me before he joined you at the table for dinner.
 What did he say? It was almost like being back at high school.
 Kit asked about me you and he said you were hot and he wanted to get to know
you. Simone remembered the conversation vividly as it was quite sweet and romantic
and so unlike the Kit she knew.  He also said to me  have you ever met someone and
instantly you know you want to spend the rest of your life with them? Kit was talking
about you. You made an impact on the man in just one brief moment.
Stella tried to remember if Kit was drunk when he came to the table. Or was that
just the sweetest thing anyone had ever said about her.
 So you fell in love at first sight. It happens, Stel.
Stella sighed softly.
 Kit s a thief, Sim.
 No one s perfect.
 You can justify everything can t you? Stella thought about what her friend had
said.  He lied to me.
 Yeah, maybe he did, Simone responded.  And maybe you were looking for any
reason to end it with Kit because you were scared of falling in love.
 I m not scared. I m&  Stella blew out a loud sigh. What was she?
 You re terrified, Stel. You ve never had anyone to love or love you and you feel
totally out of control.
 I love you.
 And I love you back, but we re friends and that s a different commitment.
 I barely know him.
 Listen Stel, life is short and time is irrelevant when it comes to stuff like this.
Things just happen. Do not pass up the man of your heart on a technicality. You love
him, don t you? Simone did not need to see Stella s face to know that. Stella did not
give her heart easily.
 I can t believe it, but yes I do.
 Believe it and do something about it.
 How do I do that without making a complete fool of myself?
 You ll think of something. Everyone makes a fool of themself over love and no one
cares in the end. Simone chuckled over the line.  You know, I was just thinking I
should charge for this advice. I can be pretty damned sensitive when I have to be.
Stella laughed at her friend s words. Simone would make a great analyst. She loved
listening to people spill their secrets. Problem was, she liked to gossip. so one talent
cancelled the other out.
 By the way, Sim, I will have to kill you if you ever touch Kit again.
Amarinda Jones
  I completely understand. She would scratch any woman s eyes out for looking
twice at her husband.  Go get your man.
 Thanks Sim& go and have sex now.
 I will and I expect the same of you. Take the leap Stella Rowallan, the fall is worth
Stella hung up the phone and thought about what to do. How did she get the thief s
attention? It had to be something different and unusual and allowing him an out if he
chose it. Stella looked at her computer. An idea came to her. Could she? Should she?
 Oh what the hell&  she muttered to herself as she sat down and switched it on.
After fifteen minutes she had written her email to him.
Stolen, one seldom used heart. Owner cranky, sorry, lovelorn and lonely. She made a
mistake. She is ready to pay any cost or take any risk to be with the thief of her heart. Please take
a chance on her. She is a slow leaner but she understands the lesson now. She loves her thief and
wants a second chance.
Love, Princess
Her finger hovered over the send icon. What did she have to lose? The worst Kit
could do would be either to read it and delete it, throw up at the cornball approach or
laugh his head off. The ball was in his court. Stella hit send and watched it disappear
from the screen. An immediate feeling of regret and fear raced through her veins. What
if he didn t respond? Oh God, had she done the right thing?
 Get a grip woman. It s only an email that could change the course of your entire
life&  Stella muttered softly, cynically to herself.
An hour later, Stella sat by her email, awaiting her thief. Another thirty minutes
without response and she was getting a little pissed. Ten minutes later Stella stood up.
 Fine& whatever& If he doesn t care then neither do I.
But across town, Kit Kincaid cared greatly. He had been surprised and delighted by
the email. Stella loved him. He sat and read it over and over. His first instinct had been
to rush over and pull Stella into his arms and never let her go. But that was too obvious.
He wanted something different. He wanted time to make the woman realize he was the
only man for her.
Thief of Mine
Chapter Fourteen
Stella knew she looked as good and as businesslike as she possibly could. Her hair
was swept up in a professional looking french plait, her skirt was conservative black,
skimming her knees and she had even pulled on sheer pull up stockings to complete
her ensemble. She looked like someone she would employ. She gave one last pat to
flatten the collar of her white silk blouse. The mirror in the lift told her she looked
professional so why didn t she feel it?
 Bloody Kit Kincaid&  Stella muttered to herself.
 Ma am? The uniformed lift attendant looked at her politely.
 Nothing, just chatting to myself, Stella responded to the man whose job it was to
escort guests to the penthouse. She looked up at the numbers above the door as the lift
sped to the penthouse. Who the hell called a job interview in the penthouse of such an
exclusive and expensive hotel? The lift itself was grandeur personified, with its wood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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