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Falun Dafa are absolutely forbidden to cure illnesses. Reading this book to the patient will heal his
disease if he can accept it. But the results will differ according to the karmic debts of each
Hospital Treatment and Qigong Healing
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Let us talk about the relationship between hospital treatment and qigong healing. Most doctors of
Western medicine do not recognize qigong. Their view is, why would we need hospitals if qigong
can heal illnesses? You can substitute for our hospitals! Would it not be nice if your qigong could
replace hospitals and treat patients single-handedly without resorting to injections, medicine,
hospitalization? Such an opinion is neither reasonable nor rational. Some people do not know about
qigong. In truth, qigong healing is not like the conventional treatments of ordinary people. It is not
an ordinary person's skill, but something supernormal. How could it be allowed to disturb ordinary
human society on a great scale with something supernormal? How powerful a Buddha is, and he
could wipe out all the human illnesses by waving his hand just once. Why does he not do it? In
addition, there are so many Buddhas. Why would they not show mercy to cure your illnesses? It is
because ordinary human society has such a state of birth, old age, diseases and death. They all have
causational relationship and they are all karmic rewards and tribulations. You have to repay the
debts you owe.
If it is you who cure his illnesses, which is equal to violating this principle, it means everyone can
do wrong without paying back the debts. Is that all right? Out of mercy and compassion, while you
do not have such a great ability to solve this problem completely in cultivation, you are allowed to
treat diseases. You are allowed to do so because of your compassion and mercy. However, if you are
really capable of resolving such problems, you will not be allowed to do it on a large scale because
this would seriously disrupt the state of ordinary human society. Therefore, qigong is not at all
allowed to replace the hospitals of ordinary people, because qigong is a supernormal Law.
What would it be like if qigong hospitals were allowed to be set up in China with a lot of great
qigong masters treating diseases? This will not be allowed because they all want to maintain the
state of ordinary human society. If qigong hospitals, qigong clinics, qigong health centers and
treatment resorts are established, the treatment of qigong masters will go down immediately and its
curative effect will drop sharply once they begin to practise. What is the reason? Because they are
doing what belongs to ordinary people, they must have the Law as high as that of ordinary people
and stay on the same level as the state of ordinary people. Its curative effect should be the same as
that of the hospital. As a result, qigong treatment of diseases does not work well. They also usually
require something like several courses of treatment of the patients.
With or without qigong hospitals, it cannot be denied that qigong can cure diseases. Qigong has
been popularized in the public for such a long time, and many people have indeed attained the goal
of removing their illnesses and improving their physical conditions through practising qigong.
Whether the illness was postponed by the qigong master or however it was treated, that illness is not
there now. In other words, nobody can deny that qigong can heal illnesses. Most of the people who
have seen a qigong master are those with difficult and complicated cases incurable at hospital. They
went to a qigong master to try their luck and had their diseases cured in the end. Those who can be
cured at hospital would not visit a qigong master. Especially at the beginning, people usually don't
think that way. Thus, qigong can heal illnesses. The difference is that it cannot be applied like other
things done in ordinary society. A large-scale interference will never be allowed though a small-
scale or not very influential, unnoticed practice can be allowed. But it is certain that the treatment
will not thoroughly cure diseases. The best way to heal illnesses is to practise qigong exercise
Some qigong masters said that hospitals could not treat illnesses or how bad their healing effects
were. What do we say about it? Of course, there are many reasons. The principal one in my opinion
is the current deteriorating human moral standard, which results in a variety of odd diseases. Those
are incurable at the hospital. Medicine cannot treat them, either. There are also a lot of fake drugs.
All this results from human corruption of society, which has gone so far as now. No one should
blame others for it, because everyone has added fuel to the flame. As a result, everyone will run into
hardships in cultivation.
Some illnesses cannot be diagnosed at the hospital though they do exist. Some diseases are new
and nameless after they are identified, and so they are labelled by the hospital as "modern diseases".
Can hospitals treat illnesses? Of course they can. Otherwise, why do people trust them and go there
if hospitals cannot treat illnesses? Hospitals can treat illnesses. But their treatment belongs to the
level of ordinary people while the disease is paranormal. Some diseases are very serious; thus,
hospitals believe in early treatment because hospitals will be helpless if they grow serious. An
overdose of medicine could be poisonous. Today's level of medical treatment is the same as that of
science and technology. They are all on the level of ordinary people. Hence such an effect of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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