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China and to get to know the works of the serious mistakes, the primary ones of which accused. For China too, this is not a new
Chinese theoreticians, and simultaneously were listed in Khrushchev s speech. These issue. Even in 1930 in the Red Army during
to examine the works of Mao Zedong, since fundamental mistakes, said Mao Zedong, interrogations beatings were broadly applied.
these works in the Chinese edition were not could be summed up in seven points: I, said Mao Zedong, at that time personally
reviewed by the author in advance, while 1. Unlawful repressions; was a witness to how they beat up the ac-
the Soviet comrades, counter to the wish of 2. Mistakes made in the course of the cused. Already at that time a corresponding
the author, insisted on their publication. war, moreover, in particular in the begin- decision was made regarding a ban on cor-
Mao Zedong reminded me that upon ning, rather than in the concluding period of poral punishment. However, this decision
my (Yudin s) arrival in China he had persis- the war; was violated, and in Yanan, it is true, we
tently and specially recommended to me to 3. Mistakes which dealt a serious blow tried not to allow unlawful executions. With
the creation of the PRC we undertook a this topic and getting greatly carried away
further struggle with this ugly manifesta- briefly touched on a few philosophical ques- AMBASSADOR OF THE USSR TO THE
tion. It is entirely evident, continued Mao tions (about the struggle of materialism with PRC P. YUDIN
Zedong, that according to the logic of things idealism, etc.). In particular he stressed that
during a beating the one who is being beaten it is incorrect to imagine to oneself Commu- [Source: Archive of Foreign Policy, Russian
begins to give false testimony, while the one nist society as a society which is free from Federation (AVPRF), fond 0100, opis 49,
who is conducting the interrogation accepts any sort of contradictions, from ideological papka 410, delo 9, listy 87-98; also Center
that testimony as truth. This and other ves- struggle, from any sort of vestiges of the for Storage of Contemporary Documenta-
tiges which have come to us from the bour- past. In a Communist society too, said Mao tion (TsKhSD), fond 5, opis 30, delo 163,
geois past, will still for a long time be pre- Zedong, there will be good and bad people. listy 88-99; see also Problemi Dalnego
served in the consciousness of people. A Further he said that the ideological work of Vostok 5 (1994), 101-110. Translation for
striving for pomposity, for ostentatiousness, China still to a significant extent suffers CWIHP by Mark Doctoroff, National Secu-
for broad anniversary celebrations, this is from a spirit of puffery [nachetnichestva] rity Archive]
also a vestige of the psychology of bour- and cliches. The Chinese press, in particu-
geois man, since such customs and such lar, still cannot answer to the demands which * * * * *
psychology objectively could not arise are presented to it. On the pages of the
among the poorest peasantry and the work- newspapers the struggle of opinions is lack- Document II:
ing class. The presence of these and other ing, there are no serious theoretical discus- Mao s Conversation with Chervonenko,
circumstances, said Mao Zedong, creates sions. Because of insufficient time Mao 26 December 1960
the conditions for the arising of those or Zedong expressed a wish to meet with me
other mistakes with which the Communist again to talk a little specifically about issues From the diary of TOP SECRET
parties will have to deal. of philosophy. S. V. CHERVONENKO Copy No.3
I observed that the main reason for At the end of the discussion I inquired of
Stalin s mistakes was the cult of personality, Mao Zedong whether he had become ac-
bordering on deification. quainted with the Pravda editorial about the  6 January 1961
Mao Zedong, having agreed with me, harm of the cult of personality, a translation Outgoing No. 9
noted that Stalin s mistakes accumulated of which was placed in [Renmin Ribao] on
gradually, from small ones growing to huge 30 March. He responded that he still had not RECORD OF CONVERSATION
ones. To crown all this, he did not acknowl- managed to read through that article, but with comrade Mao Zedong
edge his own mistakes, although it is well they had told him that it is a very good
known that it is characteristic of a person to article. Now, said Mao Zedong, we are 26 December 1960
make mistakes. Mao Zedong told how, preparing for publication in Renmin Ribao a
reviewing Lenin s manuscripts, he had be- lead article which is dedicated to this issue, According to the instructions of the
come convinced of the fact that even Lenin which should appear in the newspapers in Center I visited Mao Zedong today.
crossed out and re-wrote some phrases or the coming week. Beginning on 16 March, In the name of the CPSU CC and com-
other in his own works. In conclusion to his he noted jokingly, all the newspapers in the rade N.S. Khrushchev personally, I con-
characterization of Stalin, Mao Zedong once world raised a ruckus about this issue gratulated Mao Zedong with his 67th birth-
again stressed that Stalin had made mistakes China alone for the time being is silent. day and wished him good health, long life
not in everything, but on some certain is- Then I briefly told Mao Zedong about and fruitful work.
sues. the arrival in the PRC of 16 prominent So- Mao Zedong was very impressed by this
Overall, he stressed that the materials viet scholars and about the beginning of the warm attention from the CPSU CC and
from the Congress made a strong impression work of a theoretical conference dedicated comrade N.S. Khrushchev. He was deeply
on him. The spirit of criticism and self- to the 20th Congress, which is opening today moved, and, without concealing his emo-
criticism and the atmosphere which was in the Club of Soviet specialists. Soviet and tions, he most warmly expressed his thanks
created after the Congress will help us, he Chinese scholars will deliver speeches at the for the friendly congratulations and wishes.
said, to express our thoughts more freely on conference. Mao Zedong stated that it is a great honor for
a range of issues. It is good that the CPSU Mao Zedong listened to these thoughts him to receive these high congratulations on
has posed all these issues. For us, said Mao with great interest. his birthday. He asked to give his warmest
Zedong, it would be difficult to take the The conversation continued for three thanks to comrade N.S. Khrushchev and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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