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without any pass, or any move that is perceptible to spectator, the top card is
turned over and that's the baby. This is another one that Ten Kai thought a lot
Have the card selected in this way. Riffle the deck, with faces toward audience,
and have them tell you when to stop. When they say stop, you do so, let them
see the card, and your right hand hinges up the right side of the upper half,
your fingers of left hand go in between the two halves, and the tips of your
second and third left fingers, push the card out (see Illus. No. 13.) This
illustration, if you notice carefully, shows the corner of the card being clipped
between the right little finger and third finger tips.
Your right hand now comes away from the deck to the right, just enough to
bring out the card, on a perfectly straight line, (see now FIG. 14) then
immediately goes back to deck, leaves card on top, deck squared up, bottom
card shown, by turning the deck around and you're all done. This should be
http://thelearnedpig.com.pa/magos/books/herehow/030.html (1 of 2) [4/23/2002 3:19:42 PM]
I Can't be Mean
done very fast, and if you DO it fast, you have a nice quick move, with nothing
suspicious about it, to bring a card to the top of the deck from the center. Study
those illustrations again. They tell the story better than my words.
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Now One More and Then You can go to Bed
Here's How by Frank Lane
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Here's an easy one but another one of my favorites, it fools them so easily.
And you'd THINK they'd get it. But they don't.
Have the deck shuffled, and then you take it, fan it out and have any card
selected. Now square up the deck, and with right hand you cut the deck,
lifting off the top part and have the card replaced on the top of the lower
half. Now slap the top half down on top of lower, but just as you're putting
the top half down, put your little finger above the bottom half, and then
square up deck.
NOW you're all ready to make the
THE PASS. Your left hand hinges
over the top half, exactly as in the
pass, your right hand lifts up the
bottom half, turns it face up, and
now your hands are EXACTLY
with your left forefinger pointing
to the face card of the packet in
right hand, and you are saying, as
you do this, "Now this isn't that old
gag of putting your card next to the
seven of clubs (or whatever card is
on face) but so you'll be sure, I'll put your card down here some place." And
your left thumb pushes over the top card of left hand packet, and pushes it
in between the tips of the little finger and third fingers of right hand (the
right hand packet is held still as in illustration,).
riffles the portion in left hand, and your right fingers now insert the card in
the center somewhere of the left hand portion. This is apparently their card,
but when you throw the top portion on the bottom portion, all you do is turn
over the top card and that is their card. I usually get a peek of the card as in
Illus. 12, and besides making it appear on top, I tell them the name of it also
before turning it over.
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Now One More and Then You can go to Bed
The success of this trick depends on your nonchalance, and the manner that
you do it. You will be tickled to death, after you get it down, how easy
you'll fool fellows who really know card tricks. Don't pass it up.
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Now We're Done
Here's How by Frank Lane
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I've tried to give you some information that I trust you LIKED. Walker did
a wonderful clear job on the illustrations and Dave Brown deserves
congratulations on the make-up and cover of this, my 10th book to the
magical fraternity. And thanks muchly, John, for the preface. If I
understood all the words you used, I'd enlarge on my thanks. I'll look up
some of 'em some day. I appreciate it more than, perhaps, you realize. And
to you, my dear reader (I'm bowing). I thank you for your patronage, and
beg of you to look forward to my next one, which is in preparation, a book,
the like of which has never before been offered to you. It will be an indexed
patter book for CLUB MAGICIANS. Patter to use when you play every [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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