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some convincing.
Tina couldn t believe what she was hearing. Her mind raced as she
considered what these people were saying. Was it possible? Or were they all
delusional? Whatever& she didn t deny their happiness, it radiated from each
and every one of them. She wanted some.
She turned to Paul.  And now you think I m the woman you re supposed
to marry?
 Fred found you. But we were all worried about the possibility mom
might be wrong when he told us you were wearing an engagement ring.
 I never drank so much tea, Paul s mother muttered.  I just couldn t
understand how I could have been so wrong about you.
 And I was stuck in the middle, while my brother and Mom argued about
it. Paul laughed wryly.  I had Mom telling me she d found my perfect match,
and Fred telling me you weren t available. So, when I showed up at your house
in place of Fred, you can imagine how excited I was to discover you d broken off
your engagement.
He d known what was happening from the time he arrived? And took
pleasure in it? For a moment, anger rose inside her. Except& Paul couldn t
have known about Donald s deceitful nature. Paul had made what could ve
been one of the worst days in her life better.
 Especially after I had a chance to meet the idiot who was stupid enough
Brit Blaise
to let you go. I knew they d been right about you the very first moment I laid
eyes on you. Now do you understand?
Tina might not be all the way to understanding, but, if this persuasive
family had their way, she would.  And you are all positive about this? And
you re never wrong? Tina thoroughly examined each serious face.
Everyone nodded.
None of them appeared to be the least bit unsure.  That s nice, but I m
still a little skeptical.
 Okay, Mom, Paul said.  Tell her what you told me.
Paul s mother smiled at Paul, before she turned a solemn face toward
Tina.  We knew his wife would be called Tina and that she would have red hair
and green eyes.
With every word, Tina became more of a believer.
 But remember that, at first, we thought it might not be you, Fred
interrupted.  Because you were already spoken for.
 We knew you would be an orphan, Paul s mother continued.
These people were downright spooky. Tina had always believed she was
intuitive, but this was whole other level of paranormal, a little frightening, but
exciting too.  I never talk about my adoption. How did your mother know?
Paul gave a negative shake of his head.  We didn t know for sure, Tina.
Not until just now when you confirmed our suspicions.
 Tell her the best part. Paul s youngest sister, Angelica, practically
bounced off the sofa.  Tell her why you wanted to be a gynecologist.
 That s not why! Paul playfully threw a pillow in his sister, Angelica s
Angelica snatched it out of the air and lobed it back, landing a solid hit
to the side of his face.  Are you saying you didn t look?
Tina didn t have clue.
 That s not why! Paul protested.
 What? Tina reached for the pillow, which rebounded near her feet.
She lifted it in a threatening manner toward Paul.  Would somebody please
Monkey Business
explain what you all are talking about?
 You have a birthmark near your privates. A little red heart on the left
side of your&  Angelica shot a sly smile in her brother s direction.
 Sis! Please? Paul pleaded, clearly embarrassed.  Give Tina some
privacy here. Don t you think this is hard enough for her to accept?
 I have a heart on my& ?
Paul smiled and nodded just as the monkey decided it was time to find
out for sure.
Brit Blaise
Chapter Six
For the first time in her life, Tina decided to take a chance on the
unknown. On the way home, she decided to trust that Paul knew what he
wanted. His entire family couldn t be wrong, could they? Look where playing it
safe had gotten her everything she d believed about Donald had proved to be
wrong. She had thought she d known Donald after five long years, but hadn t
really known him at all. Now, in a whisper of time, an entire family wanted
her. It was a gigantic leap of faith, but why the hell not?
Why not take a chance on a gorgeous doctor who is willing to commit to a
relationship after knowing me for only a single day?
His family assured her that truth and faithfulness were family traits she
could count on forever. And they claimed there had never been a single divorce [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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